oh, yessssssssss . . 'Holy, Holy, Holy" is our God ~ ~ ~ ~ "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ" . . Ephes. 1:3 We are sooooooooo blessed to know our God and how much He loves us . . . . Amazingly, our God's Love is as endless as He is Infinite . . imagining how the Heavenly Angels so close to the Throne, shout out again and again "Holy, Holy, Holy" to our Beautiful Powerful God . . These angels are so overwhelmed being privileged to gaze on their LORD, our Lord seeing something new and glorious coming from this Awesome, Beautiful, Amazing Glorious Infinite God constantly . . it shall be, surely, as His Bride we shall FOREVER learn, see, and rejoice over how it will be' gazing on our Glorious God and Risen Savior we adore . ~~. . everlastingly, . . New Rendition I love the pursuance of our Lord revealing to us, that we ARE the Bride of Christ . . , stirring in us by His Spirit, oh how Jesus loves us and we adore Him . . Our Abba Father desires us to know Jesus, not only as our Savior and Redeemer but also as the Bridegroom and Lover of our souls . . The greatetst Love ever displayed became the Lamb of God Who now woo's for Himself, a Redeeming Bride . . . . . .. may it be very near we shall gaze on our Lord's Glorious Smile, and see His joy set before Him . . . What Heavenly blessings granted the King's kids awaiting the rapture call. We shall hear promised vows from our God of His devotion . . I envsion Jesus preparing Himself as our Heavenly Groom soon to reveal a Heavenly spiritual marriage soon to be realized ~~ our God desires a humanly 'counterpart', doesn't He? . Thank You, oh God Infinitely Divine and Holy and Majestic, to have Your Word of assurance that we are destined to be the Bride of Christ. . . Ever to You Lord, we worship You, and are blessed to know You, with given Hope and Holy assurance how we are invited to love You intimately oh beloved Jesus.. ~ ~ we have been proposed to by Who? by our very God of immeasurable Saving Grace !. ~ . . I am Imagining such a heavenly glorious 'counsel' of God in heaven Who destined for Himself at that 'time, to make for Himself His Bride ! ~ ~ even now we 'hear' in Spirit Heavenly vows of a 'spiritual' consummation wonderfully conceived by our Living God so from His Heart. . . . ~ ~ ~ we ache to be close to You, Jesus, to worship You, Mighty God feeling thankful how You, Lord fill our hearts with longings to gaze on You, oh Heavenly Bridegroom. ~ ~ We bow down to You with reverential spirited desire to honor You, and glorify You Mighty God . . we so want to sing and dance before You with heart-felt exaltation, and worship and praise unto our Triune God forever . . . . , Who can understand Your plan, Your ways, except through the Spirit of God and His gift of Redeeming Grace given us . .thank You, Father . . . . . . . Of Your Splendorous Infinite Heart to us weakened human vessels, we forever thank You Almighty God for Your gift of our regeneration, making us in Your image, announcing 'it is 'very good' . . . . ~~ in Your Image, Jesus we love You . . . . Days of Elijah I am feeling a bit melancholy — enjoy the Glorious Day :prayer-hands: My new find - messianic Jew who sings mostly the Psalms of David….. Joshua Aaron
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus