Historically, I've been an avid FOT guy but there have been compelling arguments for a Spring rapture. But, since it is September I am totally a FOT guy! :yes: I'll be a fool for Christ, why not?! TR You do know that a few other names tagged to FOT —- The King’s Coronation; “Yom Ha Zikkaron” (the day of remembrance - Leviticus 23:24). It is a memorial of the day of creation when the morning stars sang together and shouted for joy at His handiwork in creation (Job 38: 7) His Bride-in-waiting, it is a pre-advent yearly celebration of the anticipated marriage union. John 14: 1-3 FYI- Brides are always at the Kings Coronation- custom typically! :prayer-hands: :yes: Cool! So much info hidden and understood by the Jewish people! TR TR - I would agree, we should study them more, three of the trumpet blasts signify three books that are open - very interesting indeed! Also, the reference to Mount Sinai is not to be diminished either. :prayer-hands: Veiled information to be accomplished at the end of time. IE: the age of grace! Sadly many Jews opted for the most simple applications and mostly by wrote! Keeping of the law as opposed to understanding the Lord's heart! So sad to work so hard and miss the mark. This is why there are now so many disenfranchised and secular Jews today! Were they to invest more into understanding the heart of God, they would have fared much better! Curriculum over content always kills! TR So I guess it's the 16th in Israel right now! Maybe later or tomorrow we might hear something?! TR I find it interesting that Israel is going on lockdown again for 3 weeks starting this Friday especially when all of these major feast days will be happening over that time.
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