Today, a 6.3 earthquake hit Greece. Indonesia reported a 6.2 earthquake on January 14, 2021. I remember and miss the days where RITAN had someone (I don’t remember his name, was it Scotty?) who regularly reported earthquakes. There has been a lot of activity that doesn’t make the news, and definitely does not show up on my app. About a month ago, I found a YouTube channel who reports on earthquakes. Apparently, around that time, there was a 7.0 earthquake near the Philippines. The channel said there had been three 7.0 + earthquakes around that same region within a very short time frame. He was using a program that tracks seismic activity and stated that “they” lowered the earthquake ratings on all three 7.0 + earthquakes to show their ratings to now be 6.9 and under. He said this was highly unusual but that “they” sometimes do that so if someone wants to go back to track all earthquakes over 7.0, (he said something to the effect of) they won’t all show up. The “YouTuber” said he had to watch what he was saying on YouTube because he received warnings that he is running the risk of losing his channel. There is so much silencing going on. What is so dangerous about discussing earthquakes all of a sudden? We Watchers know that increased earthquakes in diverse places are a sign, but why is that a threat to discuss on YouTube? Curiosity got me so I did a quick search to see how many “significant” earthquakes occurred so far in 2021. We may need to double buckle for 2021. Pursuant to: 2021 Earthquakes over 6.0: 1/1/2021 – 6.7 - Mongolia 1/8/2021 - 6.3 - Kermadec Islands, New Zealand 1/14/2021- 6.2 – Indonesia 1/19/2021 – 6.4 – Argentina 1/21/2021 – 7.0 – Philippines 1/23/2021 – 6.9 - South Shetland Islands 2/3/2021 – 6.7 - West Chile Rise 2/7/2021 – 6.0 – Philippines 2/7/2021 – 6.3 – Papua New Guinea 2/10/2021 – 7.7 – Loyalty Islands 2/13/2021 – 7.1 - Japan (right outside of Fukushima) 2/16/2021 – 6.2 – Port-Vila, Vanuatu 3/3/2021 – 6.3 – Tyrnavos, Greece A lot of earthquakes plus the huge after shocks in the Loyalty Island all around 6 and 5 for days. Even now Loyalty Islands have strong quakes! Maybe they Don want us to connect the dots! In any case, Jesus is coming soon! I post significant earthquakes on my "Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines" every day! AmyVG also posts that information here: Not to dissuade anyone from visiting Amy's site, as it is something to behold! It is loaded with enough information to make your head swim! A stellar work, for sure! Oh! Sorry AmyVG! Please forgive me! I usually quickly check the main forum so I have been missing all your hard work. I will be sure to visit it regularly! The main reason for my earthquake post was the fact that even the earthquake Youtube channels are being censored. Don't let it trouble you, Seeking Illumination. I am one of the moderators here and I sometimes forget that there are more pages than just the Main forum! :wacko: i didn't even see this earthquake one on main page...sorry all of y'all that were already posting earthquake stuff...i shoulda added mine here...or there...?! i put one on the 2021 thread...but i do want to know if dutchsinse is/was on RITAN??! Some big ones in the South Pacific today. 8.1, 7.3 and lots of aftershocks in the 5s and 6s. Wow! There's nothing to forgive Seeking Illumination. Whether this news is seen "here or there," I'm always interested either way.
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