:agree I love and crack up on the corny jokes as well and get a kick out of little kids as they tell their jokes/riddles. I can just picture the Lord Jesus smiling and laughing along with them up in heaven right now. They bring so much joy with their innocence. An example, my niece (2 yrs old) woke up from a nap and said she had a frightful nightmare and her older brother (3rd old) said “Janae, its impossible to have a nightmare during the day time ... what you had was a daymare.” And he was very serious as he said that statement, and she is arguing back “no, it was a real nightmare.” And I was cracking up listening to the two of them. So I expect a lot of humor and laughter in heaven between the Lord, the little children, grown up brothers and sisters and even with the angels. We are all going to have a fun time. :yes: God is really into baseball! The first words in the Bible are : In the big inning! :groan The early church drove Honda's: they were all in one Accord! I just love Bible Hee Haw! Tee, hee, hee :yahoo: TR One of Jesus' many names is Andy. It says so in the chorus of the song that begins, "I come to the garden alone..." Sing it out and see for yourself. :good: The point to all of this is because He became a man we could relate to Him on a personal level. Who can relate to an Almighty creator God, a Glorious God beyond measure?! Though we are created in His image and likeness, Jesus became like us. He was tempted in every way that we are. He knows firsthand the frailties of being human! Though the Father may stand ions beyond our comprehension or grasp, Jesus seems to me to make Himself available to us in ways the Father can't! I bless the heart of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. One God in three persons! Jesus we know, the Holy Spirit we know, but who has seen God the Father?! :dieu: :prayer-hands: TR As difficult as it is to watch, there is a scene in the movie The Passion of the Christ that I cherish because it shows His humanity: John 14:in verse 9 comes to mind in answer to your last question:"but who has seen God the Father"--- Jesus says to Philip :" He who has seen Me has seen the Father ...." and goes on to amplify His statement. :good: youtube scene ... I love it! My favorite photo of all times is this here ... of a young toddler Jesus holding the nails ... it makes me cry just thinking about those big nails would later be used on him to redeem us all from our sin. Amen to that Sis! Many men and women have died horrible deaths. The particular circumstances were different for all, even Jesus! The way He died cannot be romanticized for what is crucial for the world to know is why He died! And that in His life and death, He conquered sin and the grave as like no human could! TR
God also drives a plymouth: He drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in His fury!
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