Sorry to derail a fine thread! TR I’ve never been known as an old man (wrong gender), not even an old sage either :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: but thank you, I think :wacko: I think I saw a car the other day that is the color of “sage” —- it was very soothing color! B-) E tu, tammie? TR Would be kinda neat if Angel's did cry! But who would dare make an angel cry?! Ok, tears of joy! Why do we shed tears when we are joyous and when we are sad?! Are tears a simple emotional response, or a bio-chemical feature?! TR Tears can be brought on by high emotional motivation (joy, sorrow, grief, pain, stressful situations, & fear), environment (dust, pollen), injury, colds, and chemicals. You have two areas that God gave you to produce tears. Tear and lacrimal ducts. These ducts are tiny tubes that run between your eyes and your nose. Each tear duct is like a tiny bathtub drain, to wash irritants from the eye, keeping it healthy. There is so much more I could say about tears —- I do tell kids it’s like having your own eye shower as needed.... Tears are God’s gift as well! Tears of joy are my personal favorite, I think angels rejoice with joy unspeakable. Not sure of their body composition, completely, so tears, guess we will find out soon enough :yahoo: That 's surprising, with you being the angel you are! TR Icoulda been an angel! But there's only one of me! TR If I were to give it an educated guess my dear brother, You are better than an angel, you are a Saint —- holds a much higher position than angel and that you can take to the bank of heaven .... that from God, who is Spirit! With regards to any advance warning, I guess I'm just anxious to say: take this world and shove it! TR
Actually, the words of wisdom come straight out of Gods marvelous, life sustaining and growing words of wisdom, to Him be glory forever ... as John the Baptizer said, I must decrease and He (Jesus) must increase.
My daughter, who can sing beautifully, often walks around her home singing Gods Word, to keep the battle at bay! Others place verses around the home, but they need to be spoken out loud, the spoken Word of God is what makes the forces of darkness flee, always end or begin “In Jesus Name” - therein is the power of our King!
It is going to be so awesome to be in the Kings presence as we are Gods children now, and what we will become .....soon :prayer-hands:
It is just so exciting to be this close to flying home, very hard to go on with normal daily responsibilities— so very surreal! I can tell we are all feeling that way! Encourage one another with these words and so much the more as you see the day approaching.... :yahoo: :prayer-hands:
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