Deception vs hate.....
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Deception vs hate...

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Deception has long been blamed as the foundation of why people end up in Hell!

But it's gone way past deception!  The growing and obvious hatred of God became personal when Christ was offered to the world!

Enough already with all this God hating!

Whether politician, despot, or family member!  The Lord told Samuel that Israel was not rejecting him or his word, but rather a rejection of God and His word!

What did God ever do to soliicit hate?!

Again, there can be no tears shed for those who openly have chosen Hell over Heaven!

God will not apologize for the choices of men, nor be responsible for those choices!

Thankfully, we will no longer have remembrance of friends or family members who's end is Hell!


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I agree ... the unsaved sadly chose to go to hell.  Even by putting off the decision for another day ... they technically made a choice already because they didn’t think it was important enough  and they take that gamble thinking they have all the time in the world to accept the free gift later on.  But Jesus says now is the day of salvation ... and to not put it off.

Also many unsaved don’t want to hear the Gospel or anything about the Bible because then they can use the excuse when they stand before Jesus “they didn’t know” like that is going to give them a free pass.  And it won’t ... they are without excuse.

Patricia N.
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I used to think that older people, knowing that they don't have much time left, would come to Christ.

But, they don't!  I know folks in their 90s who just will not listen to anything about God.  I guess their hearts have been hardened.  They are nice, no obvious sin in their lives, but it seems to be pride or stubbornness that keeps them away.

The Bible does say to come to Jesus when we are young.

I know so many relatives and friends who will not go in the rapture.  I grieve for them.



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The deception is to hate God and righteousness, and love sin and unrighteousness!


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Nero burned Rome and started a hate campaign against Christians!

Germany was renown for it's great theologians, their fervor dissipated a hate campaign was launched against Jews, gypsies, and undesirables!

America followed suit and lost what crown they had, then a hate campaign was launched against Trump, deplorables and Christians!

Indeed a hate campaign against God himself instigated by Satan!


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Now against the whole of mankind!


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A person can only reject the leading of the Holy Spirit so much before He abandons them. Once that happens their fate is sealed.
