Dec dates....
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Dec dates....

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Dec 7/8th and Dec 17th as well as Christmas day seem to be prominent!  We'll soon see!  Hopefully, Mark's vision truly alludes to a Christmas time rapture! As I expected, many will get clues as the time draws near!  TR

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And lets add

Dec 11/12 “day of the flood” on the Torah Calendar … Blue mentioned they are saying the calendars are off 1 month.

Dec 19-25 is Hanukkah and last day of Hanukkah is Christmas Day

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We've been hearing for two years that calendars are off by a month!  What is the reason for this and why is it still so after so long a time?!  Thereby not being able to trust any date as many are deemed to be inaccurate!  TR

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The calendars are not off. That is what is said when theories don’t materialize.

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I agree Yohanan — or when individuals need to make the point of the date they are stating is the rapture. It is true the religious Jews of Jesus’s time tried to change the calendar to remove the potential that he was the Messiah, but Rome ruled and the Julian Calendar (named for Julius Caesar) introduced in 45 BC ruled for 1600 years. The Gregorian calendar (1582) with the Roman names for months and days, stayed alive well and kickin. So we have the Hebrew Calendar is lunar based and has a Babylonian flair to it. It did have an extra month added every 2 or 3 years to keep it in line with the solar calendar. It was originally 11 days shorter than the current Gregorian calendar, so maybe there is a bit of the confusion for the “missing month”… :calvin :mdrmdr:

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Well we flip  the calendar once more … Happy December 1st :whistle:


Gary @ unsealed had an interesting article … here is part of it with a summary of prophecy events occurring or about to occur soon …


But the eruption on the Big Island in Hawaii is but the periphery of a sea of tumultuous events that began or continued this week:

Turkey is now ready to invade northern Syria

China is suddenly experiencing near-open revolt—the largest protests and riots since Tiananmen

Massive protests in Brazil continue after Bolsonaro's narrow election loss

Russia backs out of nuke disarmament talks

Other cryptos starting to collapse following the FTX debacle: BlockFI declares bankruptcy

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are suddenly being trialed and adopted worldwide, putting in place an economic system of total control just in time for the arrival of the Antichrist and his mark

Israel nearing a new government and talk grows of Temple Mount status quo change

Taliban ends ceasefire in Pakistan, orders nationwide attacks

Putin endorses a new system for international settlements based on digital currencies and blockchain technology and Musk's Twitter purchase and potential revival of seem to be moves to sideline the dollar and rapidly implement a global digital currency

As we near 2023 and rapture speculation grows much louder, it should be noted that this coming year we will likely witness the slaughtering of one or more of the five qualified red heifers in Israel in preparation for the Third Temple. We'll also see the opening of the apostate Abrahamic Family House as a potent symbol and potential headquarters of a globalized, anti-Christian religious system.

Furthermore, Israel will likely have in place its most religious government since the founding of the modern state—exactly the government you would expect to implement a return to the Mosaic system and reconstruction of the Temple in the aftermath of the rapture. This government will also likely initiate a regional war with Iran in a matter of months in an attempt to knock out the country's nuclear program.

Finally, global supply chains, food processing facilities, and economic institutions are truly on the verge of collapse, paving the way for the final prophetic scenario that follows. Everything seems to be in place, but it's up to creation's Sovereign to press the go button. Time is fleeting. If you're not ready for what's coming, get ready now. Don't wait another day.

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In the comment section someone was giving his timeline of events … I thought it interesting the verse Psalm 90:10 “Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.”   He doesn’t have this linked with the rapture of the church flying away … but he thinks its about Israel … fleeing at mid point of the tribulation … “on eagle’s wings” to safety in Petra Jordan.

Sure puts a new twist on the things and the church can :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:  fly away at any time. B-)

Perhaps Today
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It is still going to be a day you think not.......

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Okay, then I do not think it will be today! 😉

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:mdrmdr:  Good strategy!    Most of us watchers are looking up everyday :popcorn :popcorn  and wishing it will happen today.

So … what will trick us … “when you think not?” :unsure:      Will something good happen to fool us that things will turn around? B-)    For instance .. how about this article here that Kolleen posted the other day … could this really happen and be the tool to distract us?  I personally still wouldn’t want to stay even if our nation sees justice and becomes normal once more with the right people who truly won the election back in power and they try to turn things around and lower the cost of fuel and food and gets the economy cracking on the right track once more.  I still rather be in heaven. :yes:


The Supreme Court Petition Set to Rock America
November 28, 2022 – AMP NEWS

While all four of these new news outlets have done a phenomenal job covering the election coup of 2020 and the ongoing theft and irregularities in the 2022 midterm elections, why hasn’t anyone of them—or all of them—pounced on this story….

….“This case uncovers a serious national security breach that is unique and is of first impression, and due to the serious nature of this case it involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States along with members of the United States Congress, while deeming them unfit from ever holding office under Federal, State, County or local Governments found within the United States of America, and at the same time the trial court also has the authority, to be validated by this Court, to authorize the swearing in of the legal and rightful heirs for President and Vice President of the United States….

What does that mean? Here are some questions to consider as this petition moves through each one of its final stages with the Supreme Court.

Vote in Favor

If the Justices vote in favor of the petition:

Will the U.S. Marshals and Secret Service remove the 388 members?
If removed, will they be replaced by qualified U.S. military officers to carry on the business of the United States of America in continuity-of-government maneuver?
Will the removed members be indicted and tried for treason or a lesser offense?
Will both the 2020 and 2022 elections be disqualified and replaced with a secure election at some point in 2023?
Vote Against

If the Justices vote against the petition:

Will the anyone of those nine Justices, or all of them, be arrested for treason for not carrying out its legal duties?

There are lots of questions to be answered. But since its now being heard before the Supreme Court as a “national security” issue, we expect the answers to and the which way the petition breaks—in favor of or against—to reach a conclusion swiftly.

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If you remember the case of the “Q” (not that I agree with this group), they had a proposal that stated the US would go under military leadership as related to the extreme corruption that was evident at a multi-faceted level of government and it’s agencies and the breaking of the constitution. A new election would take place under military guidelines. Hence why all the fencing appeared in the DC area. The bankrupt business of DC would then have it’s fake leaders arrested and tried for treason at Guantanamo— so we saw a lot of flights in and out of this region over the course of the past two years, with hints of military tribunals.

Not truly sure if this has been an incurrent of activity — more lies and distractions for sure. Many in the country are falling to the lies of this deception and the “false peace” they believe it will bring. If you have not noticed, more and more of society is beginning to “accept” the way things are. You have to remember that only those of us who are awake are fully aware of the activities of the NWO and so forth …. Most of society (I dare say the world at large), is blinded from the truth. My two-cents on the topic :unsure:

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