The health care system as a business entity does not really care about our health and well being, by and large. The pharmacutical companies have modern medicine in their pocket. They and governments would like to give the appearance of caring. Now many dedicated professionals in the medical industry truly are concerned with "healing"! But the business of medicine is more about keeping people strung along. TR Maybe, TR, when practically nobody has insurance coverage anymore, as in the collapse of the world's economy, and also socialized medicine runs out of government funds, (soon), it will make our yesteryear's professional medical mercenaries look like saints by comparison. And it will become pointless to string anyone along anymore. I have always thanked God for medical services infrastructure, for medical professionals, and for insurance support, without all of which I would certainly have perished years ago. Yes, I might have had a slightly earlier / preferred place in line, being resurrected instead of being raptured, but for all the medical industry's mercenary and even occasionally rapacious faults: "gimme a B!," "B!" "Gimme an L!" "L!" ... ... ... ... "Gimme a G!," "G!" "What does it spell," "BLESSING!" Thank you, Lord God, for mercy and care through both your believing and unbelieving servants, who by your grace have kept us breathing. Well said Dan! In all of the discussion of recent events concerning this virus, I am convinced that it won't go away soon. Nor will it prevent us from being Raptured. Nuf said. TR TR, I am sorry you feel that way. I would agree about big pharma, but when I have worked 16 hours at the bedside, in the ICU, with a person struggling to live, I pour my very heart into helping them survive just one more shift toward wellness, managing 16 vital drips helping to heal their body, keeping the machines (slow dialysis and ventilator) going, tweaking the machines to keep progress forward to life. Going home, after only eating a tiny meal (no time for a full lunch) only going pee once during the 16 hours. Falling exhausted into bed, getting up the next morning to do it all over again. Because I want to help people, give them one more chance at life, give them one more chance at family, one more chance to accept Christ, and one year later have one dear one come in to say, “I don’t remember you but I understand you worked tirelessly to save my life”, or sometimes watch the lifeless body of a 2 year old come in because some idiot parent left them on the beach all day and pray and work to finally get a pee pee diaper and you and your colleagues cry with tears of happiness, because God heard you’re prayers and this little one will make it to run again in spite of the stupidity of the parent. i watch the new and younger generation of colleagues in today’s new world, pulling up the boot straps, leaving family at home, working longer and more days trying to get ahead of this virus, (because there are not enough bedside staff as we are missing generations of people thanks to abortion), I watched them today at the hospital, and tears come to my eyes because, people in John Q. Public will never see the sacrifices they are making, that most in healthcare make everyday. We fight with the criminal element as they attack us in the ED (one of my nurses was almost stabbed just last week), we deal with crazy patients who look to us to fix them with some magic pill to fix their life time of bad health choices, we have to listen to the angry families yelling at us when we can’t fix their loved one, we stand their and remain professional as we have been taught, as they berate us and condemn us. We cry with the family as they lose a loved one of all ages. Walk in my shoes for one 12-hour shift. No, brother, I love you in the Lord, but you are terribly incorrect in your assumptions of me and my brothers and sisters in healthcare, serving with their heart because they believe they can make a difference. The few bad apples are out their no doubt, that is why I am also an adjunct part time to help improve where I can, my replacements. And I will be at the hospital again tomorrow, at the incident command center, making sure we have enough supplies, ventilators, staff to help the surge we will soon see. I will round with other senior leadership on the nursing units, ICU, ED, to give a word of encouragement to staff, pray with some, pray over patients, pray over my facility, that we make a difference in the community. They will continue to be ungrateful that they do not have to drive 50 miles to the nearest hospital, that we offer care to the indigent to the tune of 1.2 million in healthcare cost annually per my facility only. Funds we will never recoup. One of my sister facilities will now have to close because there is no more ability to recoup, so very sad! I love being a Nurse, although I’m senior executive now, and advanced practice, I am still and always will be very proud to be a Nurse. I help people daily! :prayer-hands: My diatribe was not against health care workers, doctors or nurses and even RN's. But rather against the monopoly of medicine by corporate concerns! The politics and business that directs profit rather than healing concerns. The US with all it's advantages and wealth still is slow to learn and assimilate treatments, drug and procedures that have had miraculous results in other nations. The over prescription of drugs with no regard for patient health. Let's face it, when someone is taking more than a dozen powerful drugs their interaction is not always understood. I have known people who were taking as many as 30 different prescriptions simultaneously with only worsening health. Cures are held back and or denied on the basis of not being cost effective. Or providing a large enough profit margin! Business can and invariably chokes many great concerns, including medicine and church's. TR Overseas chemo theraputic drugs are being introduced directly into the cancerous form rather than within the whole body system, having great results in destroying tumors in as little as three days! Rather than expensive and prolonged cancer treatments here in the US. Example after example of likewise can be cited. I was given a heart medicine and was told that by law, it was to be prescribed for at least a year. When having talked with three separate heart surgeons who acknowledge that the medication would only work for six months tops! Etc, etc! TR Yep and the list of side effects are worse than the symptoms of which you’re trying to cure. This is why I’m more for natural food, herbs or vitamins. Granted sometimes you have no choice and have to get a prescription to cure an ailment but for the most part ... I try to research and find other natural alternatives. Well done, good and faithful Tammie (and others). Then my apologies for not discerning your intentions. Geri - as to why I teach holistic living. We have to many opportunities to choose bad foods that produce radical cells that attack our bodies. I teach, remove ALL white, process sugars from your diet. Do you know what I hear, “that’s impossible, I can’t do that”, God blesses all food, etc..... Did you know that bacteria, viruses, and cancerous cells have a very high glycemic index? In other words, you feed them sugar, they grow and reproduce. Inflammation also occurs as related to radical cells through the same process There is a component of genetics and family history that play into this as well. We eat as we have been taught, tradition, if you will. Medicine has a place and I don’t discount it 100% because we are so many generations into bad! Big pharma controls way too much. But heaven will be so awesome with a perfected body! :prayer-hands: