If you are under the allusion that there is something being prescribed if you get sick DONT BE! There isnt. You will receive no medication. You'll receive an oxygen test and then you'll have your choice of 14 days at the hospital or your home. You'll probably start with a nebulizer and end with a ventilator. If you think 20's, 30's or 40 year old's aren't in the hospital clinging for life think again. There are 8 strains pray for a weak one. I dont know what is going to happen any time soon BUT I pray for the Lords near return Marantha Praying for you! Boulder have you been sick? :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: For you, Boulder. P.S. I highly recommend a box of Mucinex pills since it clears up any fluid in the lungs quickly. I use it all the time for asthmatic attacks since I’m allergic to house dust. Also if I get a cold or the flu - my down time is short and I’m better by the next day. Walmart sells the pills for around $11.00 for 20 pills. Dollar General sells them in smaller boxes for about $3.00 for 5 pills. No doctors prescription needed. 1 pill last 12 hrs and I get instant relief and can breathe again fairly quickly. The pill does a better job than any of my inhalers. I went back to the hospital Mon. I have the virus hopefully getting better. I am taking mucinex. Do not take advil if you have symptoms the hospital said it makes your symptoms worse. Nothing is being prescribed. Just Tylenol. You re just being put on a ventilator in Colorado if you go to the hospital and pain meds. When you go into the entrance the staff meets you in full gear. You are escorted to the ER. Its intimidating. Get an oxygen finger test on amazon. If you test close to 90 you have the virus. They aren't testing in Colorado because the virus has spread soo much. The body aches, zero energy and the inability to breathe are over whelming. You feel like someone is sitting on your chest while you're trying to breathe at 18,000 feet. The virus peaks about day 8 to day 10 thats when your symptoms will be the worst. Another sign you have the virus if you are only breathing around 20 to 25 breaths a minute. You Do Not have to have a fever. I only did day 1. Everyone reacts differently. I thought I was doing better today I did some cleaning and had a breathing episode that scared me. I think I have a milder version of the 8 different viruses I cant image the toughest virus. I understand the reason its taking soo many lives. hi Boulder, praying for you. its terrible what you have been going through Thank you Lord for keeping Boulder alive and for never leaving him alone. Please Lord I ask that You would keep his lungs from permanant harm. Please would You heal him fully from this virus. I ask for restful sleep for him and his breathing to ease even now so that he won't need further hospital care. Amen :prayer-hands: Going up for your quick healing! Glad to hear you’re taking those Mucinex pills ... they will help you. If you have to clean your house ... its best to wear a face mask because the house dust stirs up when vacuuming and/or dusting and eventually ends up in the lungs to cause flare ups. P.S. Tylenol pills harms the liver. I’m amazed those pills are still on the market and the healthcare “professionals” still recommend them. Also, if you need energy these gummy pills from Vitafusion are the best (they taste like candy) 😉 and you get instant energy throughout the day. Thanks for getting back to me this way, Scott. I called your cell phone and left a message yesterday. I'd really hate it if you missed the Rapture this close to the blessed hope we've been spouting about all these years. I imagined you on the floor of your apartment wondering who would find you when... Text me back soon, buddy. Or not. :yes: :unsure: