Wowzers! That German “pancake” looks like a delicious peach pie! First of all, I was busy with my online missionary work at about 10:00 when Kolleen stood up, (we work kinda back-to-back in the home office), to get breakfast. I said I'd be delighted with cereal this morning. She said, "Okay," with a characteristic lilt in her voice. (Devious woman!) So I went back to work, as she moseyed down the hall to the kitchen. :bye: After while, who knows how long, she asked me to set a timer for ten minutes and asked me to holler back when it beeped. "Ok," but me thinking, "...cereal? timer? 10 minutes? " I should have been suspicious, but more often when working intently I usually default to "oblivious." So I called out in ten minutes, and after another minute or two she called out, "Dan, I need you." "Okay, dear. One moment." Clueless but willing Dan moseys to kitchen... The oven door was open as I rounded the corner, and what a sight I found in the oven! A beautifully puffy puffed up flat kind of cake billowing up and over the edges of our large iron skillet! It was remarkable! A true pan cake!! I think our iron skillet must weigh twelve pounds and it was hot, so she truly needed my help! What a remarkable surprise! :good: She cut it in half, set out the fruits, sugar and maple syrup, and demonstrated how I should prepare mine. And yummmmmm! :yes: Talk about syrup-titious... :whistle: ... true stealth! Thank you, Precious. :rose: By the way, Geri, German chocolate cake is my forever favorite! Thanks for the cyber-treat. :yes: And my least! Oh well! TR Kolleen, are those Dutch Babies? I wonder if the dish you mentioned included "Dutch," Yohanan, being reminiscent of dikes all around the perimeter and low in the middle. :scratch: :unsure: PS -- "...are this?" :stinkerbell: They look the same Yohanan basically. I don't know if they are considered the same. The very basics of it is, eggs, milk, although I used half and half, and flour. You can add a bit of salt and vanilla if desired. 6 Eggs, 1 cup milk, 1 cup flour. You can hand beat/whisk till smooth. No need for a mixer unless you like to wash it! Meanwhile melt butter in a cast iron skillet, on the stove, enough to keep mix from sticking. When bubbly, pour in the mix and put in a pre-heated oven at 425, for 15 minutes. Check after every couple minutes after that for lighter shade or darker, whatever is preferred. While baking, get fruit of your choice ready, with only small liquid amount from them. Canned or fresh. Berries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, banana.... I melted a bit of butter to pour on when it came out, add the fruit, a bit of syrup if desired, or small amount of sweetened juices from the fruit, and lastly, powdered sugar sprinkled all over. Hot coffee on the side and walah!! Enjoy! (You can look online, just some really get in to making it alot of work, when it isn't.) oooo, yummy!! Oh, yeah! Gotta have the hot coffee! ?? 6 eggs? Holy Moly … that is rich … is it the eggs that make it heavy or being in the cast iron skillet? Remember this recipe Kolleen we are all going to expect for you to make this at the RITA partea :whistle: So the choice of beverage on the side can only be coffee? B-) Surely … hot cocoa or tea can also be paired with it? :scratch: :mail: haha That's going to be a lot of german pancakes....and eggs...and... Maybe I'll just think it, and endless g/pancakes will appear!? It may be that God gives you the gift of loving coffee up there; surprise! But if not, those are good choices for other side drinks! :good: ..... I've always used 3 eggs, but since I hadn't made it in a few years, I was looking at video's some. One suggested the 6 eggs and it's worth it because the p/cake has better thickness, rather than so thin. Mmmmm. So, the p/cake is actually a tad bland in flavor, not rich, and it is the fruit and whatever toppings that compliment the pancake with such great flavors. I'm sure there are other pans suitable to make it in, but the cast iron can go from stove (butter) to oven which is so handy.