Cov Test Appears To...
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Cov Test Appears To Be A Delivery System According To Scientific Studies

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Stacy as LOL posted. You might consider shoring up your reserves first with some supplements like vit D, C, and some Glutathione to combat the Graphene Oxide. Just a thought.
Lot of prayer, God is able. If surgery is not necessary, your choice .... in my world surgery is last possible option and just like antibiotics, if you have to, you have to and then trust the Father who holds you in the palm of his hand.

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Stacey, my condolences for your situation. I would stock up on Glutathione and other vitamins and minerals as Tammie has mentioned.

I would also claim these verses from the Gospel of Mark Chapter 16:

15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

If the surgery is absolutely necessary then you do it and put yourself in the Hands of God. (The very best place to be!)

Be encouraged. We will be praying for you. :prayer-hands:

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Like the others I will be praying for thing that I want to tell you is that while the technology to use those tiny med delivery systems is possible, I don't think it has started yet and I will tell you why....the swabs that we currently use in our office to test for covid are the same plan generic swabs we have been using to test for flu and strep, and they are cheap. I don't think this kind of technology would come for a few cents and I have not seen any specks on any of the swabs that we use. I myself have been tested several times using these swabs and it wasn't an issue and I didn't catch covid from it.....when I actually did "catch" covid was several months after my last swab but curiously just a short time after most all of my coworkers were completely vaccinated.....things that make you go hmmmm :wacko:

Like Tammie, I also agree that surgery and antibiotics should be only if all conservative measures have been tried and not been successful.  Ask to see the swab before they use it and if it looks suspicious ask the nurse for a "clean" one since the other appears dirty. Also agree on stocking up on the antioxidants....and ultimately trust and put your complete faith in His will....your life belongs to Him and you shall remain on this earth as long as He wills it and not a moment less. :heart:

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<p style="text-align: center;">Thank you all!!! I appreciate everyone's comments! Joe and church Girl thank you, especially because you had to do this yourselves, your info was much appreciated. I was able to talk to my surgery nurse and I said the only way Im get this surgery is if I can take a saliva test instead of the nose swab and she told me I could and she will set it up!! Still don't want to comply but yeah way better then sticking something up my nose or like Joe said The Jab. And thanks Tammie and Arthur on the supplement thing!!! I have the entire health food store over here, trust me when I say I've been prepped with all natural goodies since this whole thing Started! But we all know the only true healer is Jesus Christ and he never steers me wrong, I need to trust him and him alone, and stop letting fear rule.over me, this is what the enemy wants, and nope, not today because my.God says do not worry, I got your back no matter what B-)  Amen :yahoo:</p>

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Stacy — God is always with you, (I will never leave you or forsake you), just ask Him — remember He said “you have not because you ask not”

That old serpent is determined to keep us all in the trenches of fear. Like I said when I read about the Brown shirts and door to door — run to the hills … but God. Having to deal with this daily with seeing patients in the hospital, it is unbelievable how this is rolling out, who would have thought we would see the day beginning in March 2020 …. Before the door opens and we fly high on rapture wings.

I will stick with surgery is only if absolutely necessary but it is your choice. Praying for you! :prayer-hands:

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wow, Loz...this stuff is creepy!  not only seeing that video, but when you can go to a website with screen shots (prob can still get on actual original sites, too) of medical schools and medical research documents etc. and see for yourself some of the technologies available it's truly amazing...sadly you can't be happy about potential good that could come from developments these days because we can see, some experiencing, and know about so much evil in the world and therefore you know those who are doing the bidding of Satan are more than happy to use all of these type things for horrendous uses...scary sad...don't want to be here much longer...

churchgal- i'm glad to hear what you said w/ your experiences...i guess if they are already doing any of this type stuff medical people would notice and they'd have to be strategic about where they try it and won't do it widespread yet...makes me think of how someone (geri?) quoted a comment someone made on an article where they thought probably some of the vaccines were placebos for comparison

i don't know, but this stuff seems crazy creepy to me...we can't know all going on or always what is true and not, but our God sees all and knows all and we belong to and with Him - He is a good Father and will lead and guide us if we want Him to...we don't have to be consumed by fear...

stacey- that's a blessing God provided another way for you to ease your fears and potential protect you- wonderful!

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