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In a twinkling of an eye — my thought “here one second, gone the next!” :yahoo: How exciting the very thought is!

I don’t think we will be seen because it will happen in a millisecond. Two in the field, one taken..... poof! Gone! Like talking to someone and you turn around and they have ducked around the corner and you did not know they left. :unsure:

Caught up together in the clouds —- maybe a host of cloud coverage, just saying. :mdrmdr: :yahoo:

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Hmmm ... 3 days of darkness just like the judgment in Egypt and Egypt being the type of the world.  I can see it happening!   The next few days in my area is nothing but sunshine ... so if it suddenly turns pitch black in the daytime, I will let you know.

I expect to see worldwide mega quakes and tsunamis to increase in intensity as departure day arrives because the graves of the saints have to open up.  I’m also staying alert for our pets and the animal kingdom and birds, etc. will be giving us some type of warning signs as well.


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Caught up together in the clouds —- maybe a host of cloud coverage, just saying. "

when Jesus ascended, a cloud hid Him from their sight. maybe it will be cloudy

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3 Days till Pentecost. As of 6th of June 2019.

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So Ready, thank you for your posts. I have been in this place so many times over the decades.

The plans of man .... hoping and praying, being about the Fathers business ... this weekend, I write my paper on the reason to begin my PhD program in August, I continue in my role as part of the exec team at a local hospital, I grade papers as an adjunct and get students ready for their last term, that I am a prof for .... yet, it all seems like chasing wind. If I could wish it to happen, it would...

Praying so hard, listening so closely for heavens call, trusting, believing, and having faith even as small as a grain of mustard seed.

Our God is faithful, He knows the plans He has for us, for our welfare and not for evil .... :prayer-hands:

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Who can truly fathom the Lord's heart towards each of us, or what awaits us in Heaven.

Again, I am convinced that the Rapture is a personal moment between groom and bride.  The world will only learn of it after it happens.  As such certainly the Lord will veil that from their eyes.

Secondly, as I have often pointed out with the various details explained by Paul, the entire Rapture experience is a sequential event.  The twinkling of an eye speaks only to our mortality being clothed with immortality!  Everything else as described speaks of the passing of time!

Speaking of time.  I'm not sure what time it is, but it's later than it's ever been! :good: Smile
Forgive me if I at times wander out of the box.  No box can hold God, why should one constrain me!


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2 Days till Pentecost. As of 7th of June 2019.

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Tammie, I appreciate exactly what you are saying. Little lesser degree, I am doing what you are doing. Let's hang in there till then.

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1 Day till Pentecost. As of 8th of June 2019.

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