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Coronavirus Talk v.14

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We are living in nazi times. Except this time the nazi's have taken over the whole entire world

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I ordered some Dandelion root today. According to Mike Adams it may help against the spike protein. I think he's also said lately that boiling pine needles in water to make a pine needle tea may do the same.

Maybe the dandelion leaf extract is the one M.A said would help

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Appreciate that ChurchGal, i am looking into a 100% remote opportunity and or telemedicine right now…. As I said, I have maybe two weeks — certainly need the prayers of the RITAN family …. Instead of changing jobs, I would rather change locations, upward and heaven bound …. :prayer-hands:

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No Yohanan— I sent in 5 cereal box tops —- :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

I would agree that as many leave or die from the various work forces, the drought of skilled workers is widening the gap …. It is totally insane!

My main concern with the Jab - is adding the poison to my body, I have taken steps to reverse this but what will it do anyway — I don’t mind dying, death would actually be a great thing … I would be available as the greeting party for the RITAN family with Lisa Leenie, but in my world death is not always the thing that happens and you end up living with debilitating side affects from our “efforts to heal you”. But God’s Will be done for myself and all others that are facing these decisions. :prayer-hands:  Rapture this week sure sounds like a great plan, Father :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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Thanks Lee — I also have been taking those for well over 10 years and a few more since 2020 and a month ago …. Glutathione BID, Omega 3, Adrenaline BID, Potassium and Magnesium…. I am vitamin out, :mdrmdr:  but this is necessary and I pray it is enough to eliminate the side affects. I am not so concerned about the luciferase or nano tracers, they can trace me all the way to heaven’s gates :mdrmdr: Prayers requested ….. :prayer-hands:

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God must blow the trumpet soon signifying time has run out!


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Oooh oooh I got the Dandelion Root Tea … I’m going to be honest … that stuff is nasty … taste like you’re drinking dirt. :negative:   But its suppose to kill cancer cells so I can clearly see it might also help shed the spike protein! :yes:

Did Mike Adams say popping the Dandelion Root extract pills are MORE potent than the tea bags?

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Oh never mind … I forgot I have the NOW Dandelion Root Extract pills!  It got pushed in the back of the cabinet.  I needed them to fight the Lyme disease infection.  This bottle is still good Feb/2023.

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Not that I know of.

In the past 2 days I ordered the Dandelion root extract, the dandelion leaf extract (both in caplet or tablet) I also got pine needle oil and pine needle tea to try

All to go with the 60 other supplements or so I've gotten off Amazon in the past 12 months lol

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Denis — I am earnestly praying so — please join me in “begging” the Father — I don’t mind going through trials but I truly hate for my family to suffer. I just want to go home, many of us are just so tired of seeing the evil. I have a odd since of peace but it feels like I am listening to every sound. Like my soul is expecting to hear from the Father …. I know it’s crazy talk, but it is what it is…. :prayer-hands:

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