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Coronavirus Talk v.10

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All we can do is pray earnestly for our loved ones to be safe from this assualt, more so that they are saved. :prayer-hands:

"The Open Vaers project collates official Vaers statistics and makes them more accessible to the general public, hoping your Mum is open to viewing this as it is something she may know about."

VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at

The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at or

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Wow, nice find :good: … this deserves a snap shot pic!  I wish I could see the reactions after the Freudian slip … were those in attendance gleefully cheering or shocked and upset?

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Good info! Thanks for the link!

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i haven't been on here in a while & can't catch up on this thread right now, but i somehow ended up on this first site and then chased a million rabbits down a bizillion trails when i should be sleeping...thought i'd just put this one thing and you can chase all you want from there if anyone is interested...     this article has today's date    -fair use for educational purposes and comment-     this page from 2019 (pre-COVID 19 i think said awarded the money in April 2019)    -fair use for educational purposes and comment-

rabbits chased led to info on funding by gates & planned parenthood etc...

tons about equity and some climate change etc...

i'm thankful for y'all on here...encourage yourselves in the Lord...1 Samuel 30:6b...remember the End...Jesus wins and us with Him because of the Father's grace and Holy Spirit sealing us for the day of not fear, He is with us Him Godly, not worldly wisdom and pray for discernment in all in Christ

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Those technologies in the hands of wicked, unregenerate people? Brrrr...

They really want to merge man and machine.

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Geoffrey Grider has an article …

Starting this Saturday, Los Angels returns to 100% MANDATORY masking for ALL people in indoor public spaces and threatens new lockdowns

Someone posted

“I thought LA was a leftist stronghold. It should have one of the highest VAX rates in the country”

Good point since LA is a liberal city … the majority would have taken the vaxx so why is there this surge in COVID cases?  Are the vaxx people dying and this is their cover up excuse?  Are the illegals coming over the boarder mostly settling in that area?  Or is it just a hoax to start the wave across the country to shut everything down and cause the mandatory jab/AND monthly jab?  Or are they preparing for the rapture event when many suddenly disappear? :unsure:


Can you imagine facing this character?


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i think the goal (at least of many) has always been (since dna discoveries and work in areas of "gene therapy") to figure out how to instruct our bodies to manufacture any protein including synthetic ones that don't exist in nature...i think this is the way they want to control people by genetically manipulating them- by controlling their actual bodies by the mRNA they will put into them ...(and also the whole financial control obviously too)...i think covid stuff just provided the psychological aspect of causing acceptance of their mad science in order to have more testing of their experiments and to receive even more financial support...i love science, but it draws me into a deeper love and appreciation and awe of our Lord...this is different, this is man trying to be w/o God...sinful man who fall into temptation of pride and greed and use power to oppress others...i'm feeling more and more detached from this world...i'm sooooo ready to fly...we trust Your timing Lord, and pray it is truly very soon!   (i know all this has already been talked about, i know many are here are like minded and i'm just repeating things...i just feel like i have to sensor myself, or i just lose my thoughts & words when i'm around people who may not have considered this...and i just needed to sum it up and "say" it ...thanks for "listening"...)

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Wow, they are really getting desperate to meet their vaxx “goal”  …. don’t  answer your doors to them because its now …


SHOT ON SIGHT: Biden’s door-to-door vaccine propagandists are now bringing vaccinators along with them

July 16, 2021 by Lance D. Johnson

The witch hunt is on, as the federal government prepares to send out “health ambassadors” and “public health workers” into communities and neighborhoods across the United States. The Mecklenburg County Health Department in North Carolina is launching a “doses to doors” program, equipping vaccine propagandists with covid-19 shots, which can be delivered at the person’s front door.

“We’re launching a ‘doses to doors’ program, where our staff will actually be going out with the canvassers with vaccine in hand,” Mecklenburg County Health Director, Gibbie Harris, said. “If we find someone through the canvassers that wants to be vaccinated, we can do it on the spot.”

When the Biden regime failed to meet its 70 percent goal of “shots in arms,” the regime announced a new door-to-door propaganda campaign to locate the unvaccinated, re-educate them and compel their compliance with these spike protein experiments. The Biden regime never mentioned that these vaccine propagandists would be partnering with curbside vaccinators.

Spike protein injections are coming to your front door, as health departments ramp up intimidation, coercion.  These “community outreach organizations” initially had one goal: to identify the “unvaccinated” in their own home and keep record of their vaccination status. A training manual from Lake County, Illinois instructs door-to-door vaccine propagandists to, “report on your work!” The training manual instructs the “health ambassadors “to fill out the Doorknocking Spreadsheet with the counts of who still needs a vaccine, who is already vaccinated, who needs more info, etc.”

“This is important information that the Health Department is relying on!” the manual states. With enough pressure, the “vaccine-hesitant” might finally give in to the plan. Dr. Meg Sullivan, Medical Director for the Mecklenburg County Health Department, believes that she can make private and personal healthcare decisions for everyone in the county. “When you look at the percent of our community who is vaccinated, it is not as high as it needs to be,” she remarked. “We just know that we need to have those innovative ways.”

Governments have repeatedly violated medical privacy by surveilling who is and who isn’t complying. These “community outreach groups” have a list of neighborhoods with “low vaccination rates.” Health departments that participate in these schemes are violating medical ethics and claiming ownership over the people in the county. These experimental vaccines have been widely available for months, and individuals already understand they can access the shots. No one should be profiled, condescended in front of their children or intimidated at their front door over a personal and family decision that they have already made.

Imagine if the government spent this much energy addressing the real health issues at hand.  Imagine if governments and health departments around the country would have made efficacious anti-viral medicines, prophylactics and nutraceuticals widely available from the beginning and went door-to-door to expand access to healthy, nutritious foods, herbs and supplements. The only effective way to “slow the spread” and stop viral replication is to educate the population on the proper use of anti-viral phytonutrients. Imagine if hydroxychloroquine, zinc, ivermectin and vitamin D were distributed from the start. These basic medicines have proven to shorten the duration and lessen the severity of the illness, freeing up ICU beds for more serious issues.

Instead, the government put the country in a state of perpetual emergency, holding people down until they submitted to the next forceful phase of the spike protein experiment. All this pandemonium weakened people and forced reliance on ventilators, which had a horrifying fatality rate. Imagine if anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, nitric oxide, antioxidants and demulcent herbs were distributed to improve blood oxygen levels and enhance the function of the lungs and cardiovascular system. Imagine if anti-viral molecular compounds like licorice root, chicory, hibiscus, olive leaf, pine needle, orange peel and dandelion leaf were distributed in teas and tinctures in the same way the vaccines were pushed. These basic herbs contain the molecular components and instructions the cells need to mount a healthy immune response in times of deficiency and stress. These compounds block the SARS-CoV-2 virus from attaching at the ACE2 cleavage site, and actively suppress viral replication.

Because these simple facts of science and immunity are ignored, suppressed and omitted, there is no adequate informed consent. Vaccine propaganda has become the only way, forceful and oppressive. The government is illegally practicing medicine, ignoring natural immunity and all the wonderful molecules that assist the innate immune response. These acts of omission, bribery and force are crimes against humanity.

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