Coronavirus Talk 24
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Coronavirus Talk 24

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I saw a photo of Trudeau with his eyes almost closed and an anguished look on his face, at the bottom of the page it said: Omicron is very concerning.

Maybe he's concerned that it isn't nearly as scary as they had hyped.  Fear is their leverage, after all.  Or maybe he's concerned about how fed up the population is becoming.

Or maybe the closed eyes and anguished look are about one of his feet: "Ohmycorn is very concerning!"

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Well that was an unexpected twist! :mdrmdr: 


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Well, I hope he is worried about how fed up people are becoming cause I am getting up fed up with all their variants and lies.

Drama teacher? Yes, I guess it shows. what an actor!

a crowd was shouting stuff at him because of the vax.  He turned to them and said: "please get vaccinated, please get vaccinated"

that was a very smart response from him. here we have people who are shouting against the vax and he turns to them with this pleading voice to please get vaccinated. It looked like people who did not realize what danger they are in, and their caring PM is trying to show them the seriousness of the situation and pleaded with them for their safety.

I thought that was the best way for him to handle but I was also disgusted with him.

Yes, his drama classes have paid off



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Thank you churchgal :rose:  Another thought I just remembered are the compounding pharmacies. Earlier on when it didn't look like we might get Ivermectin online, we talked to a nearby compounding pharmacy. They can make Ivermectin, and he said "But we have other products we can make too" that would be anti-covid. So that is an option for everyone too if needed.

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Memesaurus Rex by Barnhardt

Please, enjoy memes.

Patricia N.
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No Vax, No Food: Spokane Christmas Food Pantry Requires Proof of Vaccination or COVID Test to Get Food

"In Spokane, they’re turning people away from the Christmas Bureau food assistance.  People in need have to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination or proof of a negative COVID test no more than 72 hours old.  If you don’t have the vax or show proof of a COVID test you are turned away."

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The tyrrany continues in British Columbia.

The new restrictions on gatherings announced in B.C. on Friday include an outright ban on parties and other informal events if unvaccinated people are on the guest list.

During Friday's announcement, provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said the new rules mean households that include unvaccinated people cannot host parties or other gatherings.

"If you are unvaccinated or have members of your family who are unvaccinated, we cannot have personal gatherings in those settings right now," Henry said.

The new restrictions take effect at midnight on Monday. They limit personal gatherings to one household plus 10 people or one other household, and only if everyone involved in the gathering aged 12 or older is vaccinated.


The gestapo has spoken. :negative:

Anyway, here's the kicker. They are supposedly worried about the Moronic Varient but admit it is not hospitalizing anyone and is being spread primarily by people who have got the jab!


Henry said that while much remains unknown about the Omicron variant, the alarming pace at which it spreads could quickly put a strain on B.C.'s hospitals and their weary staff, even if the variant is less likely to cause severe illness than previous iterations.

None of the province's Omicron cases have required hospitalization so far, but Henry said most have involved younger people who are fully vaccinated.


Anyway, wicked us as wicked does. I pity the people behind these tyrranical orders as they will have extra special punishment in the Lake of Fire, if they do not repent.


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Dr. Henry should just shut up!

this is just another way of causing division between vaxed and unvaxed family members which will eventually serve their purpose.

I hope people smarten up, have their gatherings and not bother with these idiots.


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*wicked is as wicked does.

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