Coronavirus Talk 20
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Coronavirus Talk 20

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Pro-Vaxx Evangelical Pastor Franklin Graham Undergoes Heart Surgery For Pericarditis

Influential Evangelical leader Franklin Graham urged Christians to take the experimental COVID-19 jab earlier this year.

Graham stated it would follow the example set by Jesus Christ to use modern medicine and the experimental injections to bring healing to people. :scratch: 🙁 :unsure:


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Wow,  Kolleen! this news  deserves a thread of its own to get people's attention.

I get so angry when influential  people and religious leaders promote these things  and say things like "Jesus would want that"...........................

that is  a very serious thing to do. They should not say that Jesus said we should do that or the Bible says so......................when it is not true.

God can't be say the least.

and some like Graham! As if christians who are unsure if they should  get this  shot need to be confused or distressed.

I  hope this gets  people's attention. Can't help  wondering why this happened to Graham...............


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I believe it happened to him because he was wrong in believing these vax's would heal, he was ignorant of what they contain and any warnings out about them, which meant that he was being a spokesman for a product that he knew little about in regard to the deaths, maiming and life altering situations that would occur for many who blindly believed the shots would save them from covid.

Graham stated it would follow the example set by Jesus Christ to use modern medicine and the experimental injections to bring healing to people. Despite the use of aborted fetal cells.....

I think God had to separate Himself from that statement...

Maybe the Lord had to show Franklin first hand that his advice to the world should have only been, Pray, search, become aware and decide for yourselves! :bible

I would be interested to know if he has learned anything from his experience.

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I agree, Kolleen. It makes me wonder how much money is at stake, though. People will say and do a lot of things to save their little earthly empires. Whether his statement was made in ignorance or out of a desire to save what he has, he has shown me that I can't listen to him.

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Graham stated it would follow the example set by Jesus Christ to use modern medicine and the experimental injections to bring healing to people. Despite the use of aborted fetal cells….

I think God had to separate Himself from that statement…

Wow, Kolleen, these  were my thoughts!

Jesus said  to use modern medicine to bring healing?!?

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Jesus is THE HEALER - Jehovah Rapha!
He needs no doctors,  or an un-researched substances injected in His creation to keep us alive!
Now is the time to believe that part of the Gospel! I am sad that Mr. Graham does

not believe that! It would heal him even now! ??????



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Just the headlines says it all …

Dr. Fauci admits Vaxx did not work as advertised and that vaccinated are in GREAT danger today. 🙁 


Pfizer modifies formulation of its COVID jab for 5 to 11 years old kids, adds ingredient used to stabilize heart attacks. 🙁 


Scientists are attempting to grow COVID vaccine-filled .. Spinach, Lettuce, Edible plats to replace COVID injections. :wacko:


Austria puts millions of unvaxx people in COVID lockdown :negative: 


CDC admits it has no record of an unvaccinated person spreading COVID after recovering from COVID. :whistle:


Cardiologist who said “he won’t cry @ funeral for “selfish” unvaccinated people” …suddenly dies in his sleep 2 weeks after 3rd shot. :wacko:

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I hope we can survive for another 21 weeks to Nisan 10...  We will be blessed, by the grace of God.  But sigh! :groan   -- Maranatha!  :yahoo: :yes:

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Amen, or before!


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Taiwan Suspends Second Round of Pfizer COVID Vaccines for Children Due to Heart Problems


Maryland elementary school accidentally vaccinates wrong student in mix-up

Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger lands on COVID list despite being vaccinated

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