Coronavirus Talk 17
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Coronavirus Talk 17

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Previous thread here.

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Patricia N.
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Ph.D. in cellular and molecular biology, Dr. Christina Parks, testifies about vaccines, what they can do, what they can't do, and how the media oversimplifies this debate.  She says vaccines do not prevent transmission.  About 9 minutes long.

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Bumping so CoroVirTalk 16 can retire... :yes: :bye:

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Coronavirus Talk 16 retired ?

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Maybe, Yohanan, drag Arthur's and Geri's CVT Salad over here too...?  :unsure: :yes:   I was thinking about making a comment about those.  A fresh one, of course.  :whistle:

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I saw this also as I woke up early a.m., that Geri had mentioned on Talk 16:

mRNA Gene Therapy Salad? The Sick Experiments Scientists Are Doing With Plants!

This is in process!! If the Lord tarries, will everyone go Organic? Or will Organic farms be paid off to plant "vaxxed" vegetables! Not everyone has the ability or room to plant a garden. May communities of like-minded people begin to band together in creating solutions to combat this kind of over reach.

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Actually Arthur posted the original article alerting us to the dangers that lie ahead with the future food supply.

I just watched this youtube about it as well … yes, I feel the Lord has got to be rescuing us out of here and will be putting a stop to their population control. I ponder this verse … “unless the Lord shortens the days … no flesh will survive”  I always thought that referred to the nukes, wars, etc.  makes you rethink things because the real danger to mankind is the vaxx. 🙁

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The Covid-19 Vaccine is now being called a mandatory “software update” for a human operating system


Remember back in the early days of the gain-of-function pandemic when politicians like New York mayor Bill De Blasio would go to Christian churches and try to reassure people that the then-coming COVID vaccine was not the ‘mark of the beast’?  Now that the vaccine is here and billions of people have received it, they are now calling it a ‘software update’ for a human operating system. Welcome to Day 563 of 15 Days to Flatten the Curve.

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17

We have reached the point where logic, reason and science have been replaced by feelings, emotions and censorship in the ongoing battle by the global governments of our planet to force “all the world” to receive an injection whether they want it or not, whether they need it or not. We are now at the stage where the case for booster shots every 6 months in perpetuity will be the only way to keep your Immunity Passport activated. They have begun to call this our ‘software update’ to our human operating systems, and it sounds to me like something straight out of a Tim LaHaye ‘Left Behind’ novel.

Today we bring you on this podcast … stunning COVID whistleblower updates, straight from inside the CDC and the FDA, and we show you how all this is connected with Emmanuel Macron in France who is at this moment calling for France to leave the UN Security Council and start their own European Army.


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Patricia N.
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"Hundreds of Navy SEALs Refuse Vaccine, Told They Won’t Be Deployed.
According to a new report, over 600 U.S. Navy SEALs—which is about a quarter of all the active-duty SEALs in America—are currently facing the very real possibility of not being able to go on missions anymore—because of the vaccine mandate."

I didn't look at the video, but just this idea is kind of alarming, that one-quarter of the Navy Seals are not available for missions because they won't take the Covid shot.

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14 minute youtube … this is what the jabs are leading to for the left behind.

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