:bye: hi Arthur, we looked at one time to see if there was a home to buy at Crescent Beach or there is a big pier there at White Rock, but we stayed on the island. back to cover for the rapture... there are two main ferry options for us to get off this island. one that goes to the mainland by Vancouver has been cancelled for two months, and the other that is about 40 minutes away has had sailings cut and only half the passengers are allowed on now per sailing. every other sailing time is cargo only. it has never been this way. some food is grown on the island, but ferries are needed to bring all kinds of goods to the island. float planes aren't taking off in those waters in the picture. if the Lord takes us home while this is going on, the believers wouldn't be so obviously missed. most of the population would be left behind. Regina, I live in Southern Vermont. Parallel to Saratoga Springs, NY. I used to shop there almost every Sat. Northern Vermont reminds me of Lancaster, PA with the farms and more stores, restaurants and people. hey Geri, is that sugaring country? love pure maple syrup. God would have the pure stuff for breakfast in heaven :prayer-hands: Yep, the maple syrup is mainly processed in the southern region because we have the red maple trees. The northern part of the state has more white birch trees and pine trees so the foliage isn’t as spectacular up there. My family used to buy the syrup directly from our neighbor down the road who has a sugar shack. It’s a lot cheaper than buying at the local grocery stores or tourist shops where they really jack up the prices for the out-of-staters. :negative: I love maple candy. On my waffles I prefer ice cream and I make ice cream sandwiches. That’s a snack we learned from the boardwalks while growing up vacationing at the New Jersey Shore. I do have a small bottle of syrup but I use it for cooking or baking. Regina and Arthur, Are your summer months like Alaska with 20 something hours of sunlight and winters of about 5 hours worth? And do you ever drive over to the US side to visit? I live 5 minutes from the US border. Can't cross now, though. 🙁 We have mild winters. Usually doesn't get below 27F. Dry, not too hot summers. Daylight almost to 10 pm on June 21st. Very nice here but expensive. My earthbound dream is to live in Ecuador and garden year round. I think you will get your wish of being a farmer year round in the millennium kingdom. :yes: And perhaps there are vegetable gardens up in heaven besides flower gardens. :whistle: Just think no more weeds to pull, insects or critters to destroy the crop or fungus root rot ... I just planted about 250 zinnias seeds in flower pots. They are the early bloom so I should have flowers like this ... by early June, if we are still here. 😉 Beautiful! Gardening was the very first profession. Jesus was also mistaken for a gardener. my family is in the US, so if it wasn't for the virus, I would be looking forward to have them come here or me there for visits. It's mild weather on the island compared to the rest of Canada. It's pretty much like Seattle weather and daylight here.
Yes, I yearn to garden with no thorns and thistles to contend with. Perhaps in the Millennial Kingdom but definitely for all eternity. :rose: