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Patricia N.
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The New York Times is wrong about vaccines containing aluminium being a “good thing”

A recent New York Times article claimed that aluminium in vaccines is “a good thing.” Aluminium toxicity experts told The Defender the chemical was never sufficiently safety tested by the industry, is toxic and continues to be used in vaccines because it’s more profitable than safer alternatives.

A New York Times article published on 24 January online claimed that aluminium used in childhood vaccines is necessary, well-tested and safe.

Aluminium in vaccines is “a good thing” the headline said and “vaccine scientists” find it “strange” that people – like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – raise questions about it because there is no indication in aluminium’s nearly 100 years of use in vaccines that there are any problems.

The Defender spoke with several top researchers on aluminium toxicity and aluminium adjuvants. They said aluminium adjuvants in vaccines are poorly understood by the pharmaceutical industry and have not been appropriately safety tested against a placebo.

They also said there is evidence that the toxic chemical can wreak havoc on the immune system.

The media’s claims ignore decades of research and extensive evidence that aluminium ought to be completely eliminated as a vaccine ingredient, they said.

Guillemette Crépeaux, PhD, associate professor in physiology and pharmacology at Alfort National Veterinary School, France, said, “All experts on aluminium and aluminium-based adjuvants agree: These compounds are not safe. The scientific literature is very clear on this matter.”

... Adding aluminium to the antigen provides a cheap and easy way to provoke an immune response to a weakened form of a virus.  The adjuvant is added to provoke inflammation, Crépeaux explained. “By definition, the role of an adjuvant is to be toxic.”

Epidemiologist and internal medical specialist Dr. Rokuro Hama, who heads the Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance, said the adjuvants work by damaging tissue to stimulate inflammation – one of the reasons adjuvants are linked to autoimmune disorders.

Exley said he has “spent 40 years at the bench studying aluminium and it is my unwavering opinion that aluminium adjuvants in vaccines are behind serious childhood illness including autism.”

...the experts said that no infant vaccine containing an aluminium adjuvant has been safety tested against a true placebo such as saline.

Lluís Luján, DVM, PhD, said that...“It is a known neurotoxin.”

As more aluminium-containing vaccines are injected into the same person, “the effects can be cumulative.”

Twenty-seven childhood vaccines approved in the US include an aluminium adjuvant, according to the New York Times. The amount of aluminium infants are exposed to in a single dose of a vaccine, let alone in all of those vaccines over many months, is not small.

Aluminium adjuvants are dirt cheap,” Exley wrote on Substack. “They add absolutely nothing to the cost of a vaccine.” He said that producing more antigens – an alternative way to elicit an immune response – is far more expensive.

Luján said: “In my opinion, the dispute on aluminium is merely a dispute of economic interests. At the end of all of this, the key point is money: The cost of adding aluminium to a vaccine is almost nothing. From an industrial point of view, who in their right mind would disregard so many advantages? Any other new adjuvant would represent a huge investment and maybe the revenues would not compensate.”

“Yes, some vaccines contain aluminium. That’s a good thing … for the industry,” Luján said, adding what he said were the unspoken words in the New York Times headline.    

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If aluminum is such a good thing why did I have to give up all my Club Aluminum cookware so many years ago?

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Patricia N.
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Clearly, aluminum is not a good thing!  It's just cheap; that's why vaccine makers use it.  But it is dangerous and they don't want to admit that.

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@terry Aluminum is dangerous.

Patricia N.
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Czech Republic: Women who are covid vaccinated are 66% less likely to give birth:

Data from the Czech Republic shows that covid vaccinated women are 66% less likely to give birth compared to unvaccinated women. 

During 2023, even though only about a third of Czech women were unvaccinated, most births were among unvaccinated women.  The birth rate among vaccinated women aged 18-39 was 42 per thousand, while unvaccinated women had a birth rate of 114 per thousand.

Despite this significant difference, the Czech corporate media has not reported on it and the Prime Minister has called it a “conspiracy theory.”

“In the meantime, our CDC keeps recommending the covid shots for pregnant women here in the US,” Steve Kirsch writes.

In plain English, in 2023 in the Czech Republic (where they keep meticulous safety data), vaccinated women are 66% less likely to give birth compared to unvaccinated women (OR=0.341).

That’s a disaster.

But the government doesn’t want to take any blame for it, so they don’t talk about it and they make sure that the media doesn’t cover it. They claimed this is a normal trend for birth rates to decline and they DO NOT MENTION that the rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated continue to diverge.

Patricia N.
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Hospital responds to claim Vance's young relative was denied heart transplant over vaccination status:

Cincinnati Children's Hospital issued a statement Wednesday following backlash over the claim it denied a 12-year-old relative of Vice President JD Vance a spot on its heart transplant waiting list over her vaccination status.

The hospital, which alternatively has no qualms subjecting kids to dangerous sex-change drugs and mutilations, suggested that its vaccine requirement is informed by its responsibility "to ensure that every donated organ is used in a way that maximizes successful outcomes for children in need."

Adaline Deal, whose mother is related to the vice president's half-siblings through marriage, suffers from two heart conditions, Ebstein's anomaly and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. The Cincinnati Enquirer reported that after nearly a decade receiving treatment from the Cincinnati hospital, the girl was informed on Jan. 17 that her heart was failing, functioning at just 42%.

While Deal's heart cannot be fixed, it can be replaced.

In the case of Cincinnati Children's, candidates must have flu and COVID-19 vaccinations — vaccinations Deal's parents decided not to get her on the basis of religious and medical beliefs.

"I'm like, so if we don't do the vaccinations, you're just going to let my child die?" recalled Jeneen Deal. "And she's like, 'I am so sorry.' She goes, 'This is just our policy.'"

The family is now reportedly considering taking Adaline to a transplant center in Pittsburgh in hopes of making the list without having to compromise on their beliefs.

Vance's relative is not the first American to be rejected as a patient for a lifesaving transplant due to vaccination status.    

Patricia N.
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President Trump Signs New Executive Order Regarding COVID Mandates:

President Donald Trump has signed a new executive order preventing federal funding for schools implementing COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

The White House revealed, “federal funds from being used to support or subsidize an educational service agency, state education agency, local education agency, elementary school, secondary school, or institution of higher education that requires students to have received a COVID-19 vaccination to attend in-person education programs.”

The executive order also will give the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary led by Robert F. Kennedy  will “provide a plan to end coercive COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”  

Patricia N.
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A warning for the UK: Disabled Canadian veterans are offered euthanasia instead of treatment:

Kelsi Sheren is a Canadian Armed Forces veteran who served as an artillery gunner. “I served in the Canadian Armed Forces as an Artillery Gunner in Afghanistan,” she wrote recently. “During my deployment, I was sent outside the wire to work alongside the British military in OP TORA ARWA. That mission changed my life. I was injured and medically released in 2011 with PTSD, hearing loss and a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Today, I live as a 100% disabled combat veteran.” 

It was that experience that turned Sheren into an activist; she told True North last year that hearing about Canadian veterans like herself being offered euthanasia instead of the life-affirming treatment they desperately needed propelled her to speak out. “My issue with (euthanasia) is how we are killing people and how we have a predatory behaviour of telling individuals that they can’t heal, they can’t get better and the solution to their problems is death,” she said.  

At least six veterans in Canada have been offered euthanasia by the Veterans Affairs Department after requesting help. One, five-time world Paralympic champion Christine Gauthier, asked for care and received a letter stating: “If it’s too difficult for you to continue living, Madam, we can offer you medical assistance in dying.” One veteran called a crisis hotline – and was offered assisted suicide as a solution.  

“This is not healthcare,” Sheren wrote. “This is not compassion. This is modern-day eugenics. This one hits close to home … This man served his country. He did the bravest thing possible – he asked for help. Instead, a doctor offered him death. This is illegal. This is a violation of medical ethics. I have spoken with this veteran and he is devastated.

Sheren emphasised that this is precisely what she and others have been warning about. “Now it’s happening in the UK – before a single bill has passed,” she said. “We were told this would never happen. We were told there would be safeguards. We were told this was about compassion. They lied.” She urged all UK citizens to speak up now – before it is too late.

Patricia N.
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Fake meat is all about controlling the food supply:

Dr. Joseph Mercola spoke with Tea Time, a programme by Children’s Health Defense, about the dangers of fake meat products to help raise awareness about this latest assault on human health.

Fake food – including lab-grown meat, animal-free dairy and plant-based meat – is the globalists’ latest attempt to control the food supply.

The globalists are trying to replace animal husbandry with lab-grown meat, which will allow private companies to effectively control the human population.

The idea that animals must be removed from agriculture to save the planet is flawed; animals are an integral, and necessary, part of the restorative process.

Fake meat is an ultra-processed mixture of chemicals, genetically engineered ingredients, pesticides and toxic linoleic acid that will promote chronic disease.

Fake Meat Dangers with Dr. Joseph Mercola:

At face value, fake meat sounds like the perfect solution to end world hunger, protect animal welfare and save the planet from environmental destruction. Even a brief look below the surface reveals a much more nefarious reality, however.

To help raise awareness about this latest assault on human health, I spoke with host Polly Tommey on Tea Time, a programme by Children’s Health Defense, about the dangers of fake meat products.

Fake food – including lab-grown meat, animal-free dairy and plant-based meat – is the globalists’ latest attempt to control the food supply. Former US Secretary of State and national security adviser Henry Kissinger once said, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.” Controlling people is their whole agenda.

The globalists have long held a monopoly on the grain industry with their patented genetically modified organisms (“GMOs”). In the early 2010s, not many people knew about GMOs. In 2011, we started to educate the public about their dangers, as they posed a major threat to public health and the environment.

Now, most health-conscious people avoid GE/GMOs.

A similar trend is now occurring with fake food. The globalists are trying to replace animal husbandry with lab-grown meat, which will allow private companies to effectively control the entire food supply.

Fake meat is marketed as a health food, but it’s nothing more than a highly ultra-processed mixture of chemicals. Impossible Foods, for instance, uses genetic engineering to insert the DNA from soya plants into yeast, creating GE yeast with the gene for soy leghemoglobin.

Beyond Meat is similarly industrially processed. Beyond Burger patties contain 22 ingredients. Among them are expeller-pressed canola oil, pea protein isolate, cellulose from bamboo, modified food starch and methylcellulose14 – hardly “health” foods. To morph these ingredients into a patty that resembles meat requires further processing.

It’s revealing, too, that while truly natural foods cannot be patented, Impossible Foods holds at least 14 patents, with about 100 more pending.

The glyphosate in fake meat is one issue. The excess amounts of omega-6 fat in the form of linoleic acid (“LA”) are another. In my opinion, this metabolic poison is the primary contributor to rising rates of chronic disease. It’s important to realise that fake meat alternatives do not contain healthy animal fats. All the fat comes from industrial seed oils like soya and canola oil, which are top sources of LA.

Eliminating ultra-processed foods from your diet is essential to keeping your LA intake low, and this includes fake meat.

If fake meat isn’t healthy, and CAFO meat isn’t a good choice either, a reasonable question is where can you find meat that’s beneficial for your health and the planet? The answer is to get to know a farmer in your area. Visit the farm and view how the animals are being raised.

Patricia N.
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Chinese scientist with reported ties to USAID finds new bat coronavirus that could infect humans like COVID:

The researchers said there is a risk of human spillover from this new bat coronavirus, named HKU5-CoV-2.

Chinese scientists have said that they discovered a new bat coronavirus that could infect humans in the same manner as the virus that causes COVID-19. The lead scientist in the new study has reported links to USAID.

According to a report from the South China Morning Post, the researchers are from the Guangzhou Laboratory, the Guangzhou Academy of Sciences, Wuhan University, and the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology.

...The study was led by Shi Zhengli — a leading virologist who had been the director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Zhengli is often dubbed the "bat woman" by her colleagues because of her extensive research on bat coronaviruses since 2004, including virus-hunting expeditions in bat caves.

The World Society for Virology said of Zhengli, "Her group has discovered diverse novel viruses/virus antibodies in bats, including SARS-like coronaviruses, adenoviruses, adeno-associated viruses, circoviruses, paramyxoviruses and filoviruses in China."

...During a House Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing in March 2023, former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield said he believes American tax dollars funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab.

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) asked Redfield, "Is it likely that American tax dollars funded the gain-of-function research that created this virus?”

Redfield replied, "I think it did, not only from NIH, but from the State Department, USAID, and DOD."

Blaze News reported in July 2021 that Zhengli purportedly had "collaborated with two military scientists on coronavirus work, one of whom is now deceased under unknown circumstances."   

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