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Can you have your order delivered to your work?  I hope you can pick up more from that Young Living Center.  How do you use the pine essential oil?  Do you apply it to your skin or use as a diffuser air freshener or can you take it internally and put some drops in a drink?

I agree the Lord has our days numbered and I’m not getting worried about the toxic food … I just do my best in getting what I think is necessary and healthy as can be and staying away from the plant base garbage and taking the time to read the labels and making sure it doesn’t contain various ingredients like “bio manufactured”.  Most of the various ice cream they sell near me now has those words on their labels … so I avoid buying those brands since its linked to cancer.  Its also in some of the frozen dinners.

Hopefully in the next few weeks we will be delivered from this evil world system.


By the way those who are interested … last night Geoffrey Grider had an excellent Bible study pod cast about the Gap Theory.  I learned so much since I knew nothing about it.

He said in his article advertising the podcast
God created Lucifer and set him to be the king over the original earth, this is the beating heart of the Gap Theory in Genesis 1:1. We have discussed the Gap Theory many times before, and have come to the conclusion that it is no theory at all, but a factual representation of what happened. Like anything else in the living Bible, the more you look at it, the more you find. I have been spending some time in the Genesis 1 Gap, and what did I find? I found that Lucifer, wearing something that looks very much like the garments of the High Priest from the Temple, was the first king that God ever set over the original Garden of Eden in the original earth. Crazy, right? Stay with me now.

“Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.” Ezekiel 28:13,14 (KJB)

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are taking you back to the original creation, before Adam, and showing you how God created Lucifer and gave him dominion over all the earth. For a time, Lucifer was a good caretaker of what God had set him over, right up until he began to lust after the power that God had. When that happened, he was lifted up in pride, the first sin, and swore to God that he would take His Throne, and claim dominion over, not just the earth, but over everything. It’s all right there in your King James Bible, and tonight on this episode of ‘Rightly Dividing’, we dive back into the Genesis 1 Gap and come up with some amazing nuggets of Bible truth you won’t hear in too many other places.

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Its 2 hrs but the first hour are announcements, prayer, music, etc. so you can scroll to the 2nd hour … that’s when he gets into the study and shares numerous scripture passages.  Then it was question and answers from the live chat room. Good questions were asked and he answered them.


He basically said Gensis 1:1 … God created everything. then there was a gap between that and Genesis 1:2 is when EVERYTHING got destroyed and thats why it said

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

God had to recreate everything all over again and did so in 6 days

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.


Then Adam was given dominion over the restored Garden of Eden but not for long cause satan took control of the world system back again after Adam and Eve disobeyed and ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and was kicked out of the garden.

Lucifer  had dominion on the first world … it was a kingdom and had animals and people. He lived in the garden of Eden and Lucifer was covered in the high priest garments the jewel stones mentioned that covered him are the exact same ones the Levi high priests wears.  And he led with the songs - pipes were in his mouth.  Then one day … he looked up to the sides of the North and saw God’s throne in the 3rd heaven  … and in his pride he wasn’t satisfied with his positiion down here … he wanted it all … so there was war in heaven to try to “over throw” God … notice the words “weaken the nations!” in the Isaiah 14 passage below … There were people on this earth .. many nations … and God had to destroy it all when Lucifer  and the 1/3 demons rebelled in that coup d’ etat war in heaven. Then God recreated the earth in 6 days … puts Adam and Eve in charge of the Garden of Eden and instructs them to REPLENISH the earth … and then when God hast to destroy the earth with a flood during Noah’s time, He uses that same word again when they get off the ark … Noah’s family were  to REPLENISH the earth. And in the near future the earth will be destroyed once again … this will be a 3rd time God is going to remake a brand new one and we will be living in that one as well as in heaven.

He does a parallel between Adam and Noah too. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and were naked … Noah apparently ate something forbidden and got drunk on the wine after he gets off the ark  and was found naked.


Some of the Scripture passages he uses are

Isaiah 14:12-15

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.


Job 1:6-7     (Sons of God in this passage are the fallen angels)

6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.

7 And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.


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Thanks.  Here are two short Jack Kelley articles discussing the gap theory.  I suppose that's one of those things that gets filed under "We'll find out after we get there."  In the meantime it's fun to read and learn.

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LOL … I love how Jack Kelley words this part (bolded) I got a good chuckle … I’m sure the devil and the fallen angels didn’t expect this response … no wonder they hate man and out to destroy us.  And the fact after Adam fell … with God’s love and mercy we still got a 2nd chance by putting our faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus! :whistle:


But then one of My closest subordinates, who guarded My throne and led the angelic host in praise and worship, and to whom I had given Planet Earth as his home, rebelled against Me and tried to take for himself that which I had given him freely. He wanted to possess the Earth and its atmosphere, to own it and be its god, not just have use of it. Well, there can only be one will in my Creation, and only I am God, so when he convinced a bunch of angels to join in his rebellion I pronounced judgment against him, and in a flash My beautiful Earth became an uninhabitable ruin, desolate and chaotic. He and his cohorts were left to sit there in the dark smoldering ruin, unable to do anything to restore it. Remember, We’re the only Creator. Finally he confronted Me saying, “It’s not fair! You don’t love us.” (Sounds just like one of your children, doesn’t it?)

Perfect Justice And Perfect Love
In response, I implemented a four-step rebuttal. First I re-created my beautiful planet, an act that caused all the host of heaven to shout for joy. Then I created man, a being vastly inferior to my angels, but sharing with them the qualities of eternal life, intellect and emotion, and agency or freedom of choice.

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Oh Geri!  Wow!  This you're writing this morning is soooo interesting.  Thank you for sharing it, sister.  It makes so much sense. :yes: :good:

You too, Terry!  Thanks.

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Glad you liked it, Dan.   Yes, I’ve never heard this study before … only heard about a possible gap theory but never really looked into it.   I can’t attached the pod program … but if you go to his website … here is where its located

first one on the list with the Genesis 1 Gap and scroll to 1:02:44 marker point this is when he really gets into the study.  Its about an hour long.  Well worth the time listening to it.  Question and answer time is also very interesting too with the questions asked.

(This is just a snap shot picture)


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Can you have your order delivered to your work?  I hope you can pick up more from that Young Living Center.  How do you use the pine essential oil?  Do you apply it to your skin or use as a diffuser air freshener or can you take it internally and put some drops in a drink?

Great idea to have it delivered to work. Thank you Geri.

Another reason I like to pick up the oils and other stuff at the Young Living Experience Centre because it is  a great place to be. The minute you walk into that place, you feel peaceful and happy. The building is built in such a way for people to feel like this and the walls are infused with oils. When I get in, I can't get out anymore. I love the feeling.

An ND told me to rub pine essential oil on my abdomen when I was supposed to help out at vax clinics. I also inhale it, it is very good for anxiety.

years ago, I had a suffocating feeling. I felt there is too much darkness around me. I can't describe how I felt but it was really scary and somehow suffocating. (that was around Halloween time, who knows what spiritual stuff was going on) I immediately called my team lead at Young Living. He said to massage a couple of drops of pine essential oil into each shoulder. Then put a drop or 2 in each palm, press them in, bring my hands up to my face and breathe deeply. The suffocating feeling was gone in a few seconds.

I had to do that several times when the persecution and threats about getting that vax was making me too panicky and suffocating me.

You can also diffuse it.


Patricia N.
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The FDA is raising the white flag on the mRNA Covid shots:

The Food and Drug Administration just all-but-gave up on mRNA Covid jabs.

This afternoon, under the guise of “simplify(ing)” the Covid vaccination schedule, the FDA ended the two-dose mRNA vaccination regimen for unvaccinated people.

Americans who have not yet been vaccinated can now receive only a single dose of the newer “bivalent” vaccines, which supposedly work better against the Omicron strain -though real-world evidence of their improved effectiveness is nearly nonexistent.

It is hard to overstate the importance of this change, which effectively undoes more than two years of public health guidance on the importance of the two-dose mRNA regimen.

The change comes as demand for the mRNAs has collapsed, not just in the United States but worldwide. Only about 1 in 9,000 Americans is now receiving a Covid shot each day - and only about 1 in 40,000 Germans.

The FDA is also discouraging repeated booster doses. “Most Americans who have already received a bivalent booster will not be eligible for another dose for now,” the agency said.

This rationale contradicts almost two years of loudly repeated recommendations from health bureaucrats about benefits of “hybrid” immunity and the need for everyone to be vaccinated with a full-dose regimen.

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Americans who have not yet been vaccinated can now receive only a single dose of the newer “bivalent” vaccines, which supposedly work better against the Omicron strain -though real-world evidence of their improved effectiveness is nearly nonexistent.

Do they seriously believe that anyone who has not been vaxed yet, will get this "single dose of the newer bivalent vax"?

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I know I cracked up on that.  The FDA owns a white flag?  That’s alone is hard to believe … let alone they are proclaiming “defeat” by waving it?  I don’t think so.  Meanwhile they are permitting the farmers/food industry to sneakily put the vaxx junk in our foods and injecting the cattle, pigs, chickens, fish, veggies/fruits, etc.

And I’m sure this 1 of a kind vaxx must be super loaded with junk to really do a number on the trusting victim. :wacko:

Revelation 9:21 clearly states

Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (aka pharmaceutical drugs/vaxx)  nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

Paul R
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Questions have regularly been surfacing about the WHO’s director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

For many years, health experts in Ethiopia noticed a strange phenomenon: The government was refusing to acknowledge cholera outbreaks.

Instead, the authorities labelled the outbreaks as “acute watery diarrhea” – a broader term that includes milder diseases. Research by Human Rights Watch found that the Ethiopian government was pressuring its health workers to avoid any mention of cholera, which could damage the country’s image and deter tourists.

Throughout this period, one of the most powerful officials in Ethiopia’s authoritarian government was Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, first as health minister and then foreign minister. In 2017, he was elected to a new post: director-general of the World Health Organization.

Critics say the cholera saga in Ethiopia is a sign that Dr. Tedros is comfortable with the secrecy of autocratic states – a tendency that may have led him to accept China’s earliest reports on the novel coronavirus outbreak in 2019/20 without challenging its officials with tough questions.

During his tenure in Ethiopia, the country was a “highly repressive surveillance state in which a lack of government transparency was a hallmark.” And Dr. Tedros played a role in helping construct and maintain that state.

Ethiopia also had close relations with China, obtaining much of its surveillance technology from Chinese state suppliers, which allowed it to monitor and punish dissidents.

He has denied that he helped to cover up cholera outbreaks in Ethiopia during his term as health minister from 2005 to 2012, calling it a “smear campaign.”

A few months after his election as WHO chief, Dr. Tedros was again facing criticism – this time for the WHO’s decision to award the title of “goodwill ambassador” to Robert Mugabe, then the Zimbabwean dictator. After several days of outraged protests by world leaders and health organizations, Dr. Tedros cancelled the appointment – but did not apologize or explain it.

African leaders have rallied around WHO and its leader. “Lives are saved because of the work they do,” said Chikwe Ihekweazu, director-general of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control.

“The organization is critical to our collective survival.”

Today, Dr. Tedros was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Pretoria in South Africa – just for the record.

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