I read this article this morning and sat in shock for awhile. I have read about medical doctors' concerns about 5G. I have followed news of DARPA for awhile. I have also kept an eye on news regarding Bilderberg and CERN... but this article... *whew* Now, please understand, I am not an extreme "conspiracy theorist" who tapes articles to walls and connects them with red string (thank you hollywood for that), but I have noticed over the years of watching prophecy end times news that some things formerly labeled as "conspiracy theories" turned out to actually be true! So, please, shed some light on this article and help me process this through the lens of scripture. My spirit felt so heavy after reading this because, while I know that I will not be going through the tribulation, some of my family may very well endure this... https://thedailycoin.org/2019/05/24/darpas-5g-end-game-for-humanity-part-of-agenda21/ something very sinister in all of this... If it can be imagined by man, it can eventually be accomplished. This is why God intervened and confused languages. Being closer to the knowledge of creation and the garden as well as utilizing more of their brain power, God seemingly slowed down the process. Having inherited God's gene of "creativity", nothing will be eventually impossible for man! Sadly, not everything New, is Good! Genetic engineering, the reshaping of the fabric of time and spade, as well as demonic involvements and inspiration gives rise to the corporate "ascension of man"! It happened to Satan, and it's happening to us!!! TR Oh yeah .. a lot of conspiracy stuff is true. When I used to work for Nabisco I witnessed a lot of illegal junk behind the scenes. I learned in the early 2000 from my study on masonry - there are 13 high up satanic Illuminati families that report to the Rothschild family. The Reynolds family - RJR Reynolds - Nabisco is one of 13 families. They got away with a few shenanigans - didn’t have to pay their electric/phone bills on time - they were notoriously 6 months late in paying because they knew the vendor wouldn’t dare cut off their service ... so they would get away with it to make interest with keeping that money in the bank. Some summers we had a drought ... so the state law was nobody could water their grass or they would get fined. Well Nabisco had their sprinklers on everyday to keep their golf course lawn looking beautiful. They even allowed smoking in the building, which was against the NJ law. I couldn’t stand cigarette smoking and one temp. contractor would light up 3 cigarettes at once and that smoke cloud always came over to my cubicle. Ugh! Even using 2 fans to blow it back wasn’t working. Half the time he wasn’t even around - would be in meetings .. so I would go over into his cubicle and would put out all the cigarettes. I complained to management and they moved me over to where the high up personnel had their offices. It was great and I could breathe again! Got a chance to meet the upper level people personally as they walked by and was able to witness to them too. Hee hee. Later though in 2000 when I studied masonry I saw the attendance list of the Bilderberg Conferences ... oh boy, I recognized some of my former co-workers. :wacko: Note: there was a plus though for working with them ... the high ups had box seat season tickets to the Yankee games and the games they didn’t attend .... they asked us if we wanted to attend - I always signed up for the Friday night games. They provided free shuttled service, they paid for drinks and food at the games too. I was the only one, with the hired driver, drinking soda while the others had waaay too many beers. :wacko: They put stuff in their cigarettes to make people crave them more and started putting soy (cheap filler) in their snacks to cause thyroid problems and this would make people fat. My older brother married into a political family in California and his sister-in-law is a lawyer at the Sacramento capital office and she worked closely with Arnold S. when he was governor ... and she would relay all the junk that went on behind the scenes and then he would tell me. :wacko: Yes, many of the conspiracy theories are real. B-) Great point Geri7! If we overlook the demonic aspects within our world, we do so at our peril! TR
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May 24, 2019 3:56 am
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