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Colonization: China Claims Parts of India

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Patricia N.
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Colonization: China Claims Parts of India, Renames Them in Mandarin:

Outraged Indian media outlets accused the Chinese Communist Party on Monday of “playing mind games” and hatching a “sinister design” to colonize the country following a bizarre declaration last week in which China renamed significant parts of Arunachal Pradesh, an Indian state, with Mandarin language names.

The Chinese government propaganda newspaper Global Times announced on Thursday that China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs had renamed 15 locations in Arunachal Pradesh, which it referred to as “Zangnan (the southern part of China’s Xizang [Tibet]).”

China has no authority to rename locations in India or any other country.  The Global Times acknowledged that the Indian locations in question already had names, but dismissed them as “illegal names” in territories “illegally occupied by India.”  Chinese propaganda outlets spent the New Year, meanwhile, hoisting the communist flag over the Galwan Valley, a location in India’s Ladakh region where Indian soldiers decisively defeated the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in hand-to-hand combat in summer 2020.

“This deserves to be seen in the context of the Chinese sinister design to first assign Chinese names to geographical entities, then launch propaganda that historically these places belonged to China and then lay claims over them and finally occupy them,” the Indian newspaper noted, adding the context that Beijing similarly renamed parts of the Philippines and Vietnam in the South China Sea in 2020 – territories the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague ruled in 2016 did not belong to China.

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As I have said before, there will be much rejoicing in heaven and on earth when that wicked regime falls. They are illegally occupying Tibet already and it seems their greed knows no bounds.

What a catastrophic fall from where their ancestors once were. 🙁




Patricia N.
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 I thought this part of your source was very interesting:

. . . . in the book, God’s Promise to the Chinese the authors, Nelson, Broadberry, and Chock have analyzed the most ancient forms of the pictographic Chinese writing and found the foundational truths of Christianity. In these ideograms, which date from before the time of Moses—we have the entire story of creation, the temptation, and fall of man into sin, and God’s remedy for sin in the animal sacrifices, which pointed to the coming Savior, Jesus Christ. All the elements of the Genesis narrative are found recorded, and still in use, in the Chinese character-writing.

I enjoyed this listed reference:

Somewhere I have a book about the various Chinese/Japanese characters (kanji) and how many of them relate to Biblical history.


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Yeah, it is fascinating. I have a good brother in the Lord married to a Chinese woman. She is born again, too. We have discussed these things before. Smile
Christianity is exploding in China. The atheism that Communism offers is increasingly seen as hollow and empty. They are finally returning to their roots. :good:

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That is really fascinating!

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There are more Chinese characters shown at the bottom of this article. You can click your way through it. It is fascinating!
