Chosen generation.....
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Chosen generation...

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Indeed many things have emerged this past year identifying this generation as the Rapture generation!  Leaving little doubt!

With each new high watch date our emotions soar with anticipation!  Yet are we but days away or even years left to wait upon?!  On this point we seem to have no clarity!

Again when we recap all that is transpiring and view all the prophetic being fulfilled our hope can't help but be increased!

Even so, we wait, we watch, we hope! Quicken our spirits Lord, that we might be reassured that we are indeed at the very door of Heaven!




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Fill our spirits with the Shalom of Christ!


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May our meeting with the Lord soon bring joy to His heart as well as ours!


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After the Rapture there will be instant and all consuming joy and light for believers!  And instant all consuming despair and darkness for those left behind!


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Speaking of “Chosen Generation” .... I’ve been pondering this verse with the lifespan ... Psalm 90:10 “The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.“

Israel’s rebirth

May 1948 + 80 = 2028 - 7 = 2021  80 yrs old until May 2022 b-day

I’m trying to narrow the rapture window timeframe by looking at the signs of the times. I think the BIGGEST sign is with the Abrahamic Family House grand opening in 2022.  They are not saying when in 2022 ... do they have it timed perfectly for the month of May? :unsure:   Also I didn’t know a “religious peace covenant” was already signed ... so could this be the covenant that the AC confirms at the grand opening celebration and gives the ok for the Jews to start building their temple in Jerusalem? :unsure:   And the Muslims are in agreement  with it all because they now have a new worship center ... plus ... “if” the G/M war occurs before the grand opening celebration ... I’m sure they will be scared to death to protest being eye witnesses to the G/M war and seeing the Lord come to Israel’s rescue by wiping out the Muslim armies ... 7 months to bury the bodies ... and the on-going of 7 years to burn the military equipment.   Plus with the vaxx push worldwide ...  in 6 months time many people might be sick and or have died and far and few protests to the 3rd temple building rising.  Also global famine they claim is suppose to start later this fall ...


The UAE Chrislam Interfaith Compound ....


The United Arab Emirates will build a new synagogue as part of an Chrislam interfaith compound that will also house a mosque and church and is reportedly set to open in 2022.

As far as advancing the end times timeline goes, 2019 has been a banner year for Pope Francis and the coming One World Religion. We told you back in February that the pope has travelled to Abu Dhabi where he met with Sunni Muslim leader Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb. There the two men signed a global peace covenant called the Document On Human Fraternity For World Peace.  From that covenant, the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity was created to implement this end times religious peace treaty. Now that committee has announced that there will be a fancy new headquarters for this endeavor. The shiny, new center of global Chrislam opening in 2022.

- Fair Use-


So to recap ... do you think the rapture is at the doors in 2021 - and no later than the grand opening of the Chrislam Abrahamic worship center in 2022? 😉


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Anybodies guess at this point!  Jubilee years aside, all signs point to a near rapture rather than 2 -4 yrs down the road!

