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Chinese Spy Balloon over Montana, US

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Patricia N.
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‘SHOOT DOWN THE BALLOON!’: Trump Calls for Chinese Spy Balloon to Be Shot Down:

“SHOOT DOWN THE BALLOON!” Trump posted on Truth Social Friday morning, after the Pentagon confirmed Thursday evening that a Chinese spy balloon had been floating over the U.S. for several days.

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This is most certainly not the America I grew up in. There would not be a would have been blown to bits before we ever knew anything about it. Yes indeed XI was testing Biden and he got his answer he wanted. Ugh, this is embarrassing :groan

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Yep we got Trader Joe as “leader”.  But there are many others who betrayed our country as well … the Bush family started this spiral mess … they sold us out too.  Under father and son administrations we saw American factories close and sending US jobs overseas … and we get inferior cheap junk back that never last.  We lost our independence years ago.



The Biden Pentagon said Friday that the Chinese spy balloon is currently over the center of the continental United States and is expected to continue floating over the U.S. for a ‘few days.’

It is a scenario ripped from the pages of either Saturday Night Live, or the Manchurian Candidate, take your pick. A spy balloon from Communist China not only entering US airspace over our mainland, but being given full access to roam about anywhere they want to go. What is pretend president Joe Biden doing about all of this? Absolutely nothing, but don’t be too harsh on him. When you are as embedded with the Communist Chinese as deeply as Joe Biden and his entire family are at this point, you wouldn’t be able to do much about it, either.

“And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.” Isaiah 3:4

This is why so much time and effort has gone into protecting the Biden family from the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop, because if that laptop could talk it would make the case for the immediate impeachment of Joe Biden. How many millions poured in from Communist China to build the Penn Biden Center where all those classified documents were discovered? How many millions transferred themselves from China to Hunter Biden’s bank account where it was then handed out to various members of the Biden Crime Family? This is why Biden can do nothing about the spy balloon, he and his entire have already been bought and paid for by China.

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Montana governor Greg Gianforte sat down with Carlson on Friday evening and confirmed reports of a massive explosion over his home state. ="twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1621678827742326784%7Ctwgr%5Ec896364760e6f625901172a34a3b5afe33f7e161%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&"


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Float it my way and I might have to have a target practice session — have a great tool for that :mdrmdr:

Patricia N.
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Live Feed: FAA Shuts Down Airspace Near Atlantic as Pentagon Plans to Shoot Down Chinese Spy Balloon After It Floated Over US with Biden’s Full Approval:

The FAA on Saturday reportedly shut down air space near the Atlantic as the Pentagon gears up to shoot down the Chinse spy balloon.

This is of course after the spy balloon was allowed to float over the United States with Joe Biden’s full approval.  Joe Biden refused to secure US airspace and allowed the Chinese to fly a high-altitude surveillance balloon over the US’s most sensitive military installations.

The balloon was spotted over Charlotte, North Carolina on Saturday morning.  The China spy balloon was reportedly flying as low as 35,000 feet, according to Paul Sperry.

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"Tammie says Float it my way and I might have to have a target practice session — have a great tool for that"

NO! What if a person shoots it, and there is something that is dangerous inside? Unless it's the start of Jesus coming, then hey SHOOT IT! Smile

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Sonya - it was a joke! I’m a pretty good shot but … It is always dangerous to just shoot in the air, you never know where the bullet might land. And yes, you are correct, I would not put it past them to have it rigged as a bomb as with the Montana one — was the blast or explosion from the aircraft that shot it down or from the balloon. Also they could very easily put some of their poison covid variance in the balloon or some other poison… :calvin

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But the Biden's administration's attempts to hide the blatant US airspace violation from the public for almost a week and inaction over the threat to national security have infuriated Republicans.

'Communist China's surveillance balloon violates international law and threatens our homeland,' Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-Staten Island) told The New York Post.

'It's an outrage that the Biden Administration spotted this balloon days ago as it was flying over the Aleutian Islands and did nothing about it,' she said. 'The president has not even made a comment about this unacceptable act of aggression by the CCP.'

Biden first became aware of the balloon last Sunday, January 28, when it was spotted over Alaska. The US military tracked it over Canadian airspace and as it re-entered US territory on Tuesday.

*Interesting take-down now that it was in the east coast territory!


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