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China Announces Crackdown on Religious Content

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Patricia N.
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China Announces Crackdown on Religious Content on the Web:

The measures, which will go into force on March 1, 2022, include a stipulation that any reference to religion on the web is illegal unless the sender possesses an “Internet Religious Information Service License.”

Internet users without a license may not share images or comments on “religious ceremonies such as worshiping Buddha, burning incense, taking ordination, chanting, worship, mass, and baptisms,” the provisions state.

Xi Jinping has complained that the internet is being used to share religious content in order to win over converts, which is forbidden, Bitter Winter reported.

Only members of the five authorized religions may apply for an Internet Religious Information Service License, since other religions are considered illegal, yet even those who are granted a license will be subject to surveillance and restrictions.

Sermons or lessons broadcasted over the internet, for instance, will be checked by authorities to make sure their content is “Sinicized” and promotes Socialist values in support of the Communist Party.

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It will be a glorious day and there will be much rejoicing in heaven and on earth when that wicked regime finally collapses. :yahoo:
