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Chicago Planning for Riots over the Rittenhouse Verdict

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Preparing for anarchy: Chicago PD cancels officers days off due to riot concerns over Rittenhouse verdict

CHICAGO, IL – The Chicago Police Department is concerned about the potential fall out of a not guilty verdict in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Because of those fears, the police department has decided to cancel days off for their officers so they are available to respond to any riot situations.

Newsweek reported that a spokesman for Chicago Police Department echoed this sentiment when he said:

“To enhance public safety and to address current crime patterns, all full-duty sworn members will have one regular day off canceled this upcoming weekend between November 12, 2021, through November 14th, 2021.”

While the decision to have more officers in place may be the smartest move to safeguard the community, there are some that object to the move…at least because there was no advanced notice given. The Fraternal Order of Police President for the Chicago Police Department, John Catanzara, explained why the move causes issues. He said:

“There was no notice [for cancellation of the days off]. They do not get to just keep saying, ‘We need manpower just in case, you know, a verdict doesn’t go positive’ and, all of a sudden, there’s upheaval.

“That’s not the way this department needs to be [managed]. But that’s what happens when you put a hack in charge of doing the mayor’s bidding in the second spot. And you all know who I’m talking about. It just doesn’t stop with this guy. He is such a pathetic leader. I don’t even know how he looks himself in the mirror.”

While the Chicago Police Department never mentions the Rittenhouse trial as the cause for the canceled days off, the timing of the order coincides with it. Rittenhouse is on trial for the homicide of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber as well as shooting Jacob Blake.

While the prosecution alleges that Rittenhouse’s actions were that of a criminal and homicide, his defense attorney alleges Rittenhouse’s actions were in self-defense.

According to the Sun Times, First Deputy Police Superintendent Eric Carter announced that beginning on November 12th, all officers who had regularly scheduled days off will be required to work. Carter wrote in a memo:

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Evil is so pervasive and devastating!

Again, God continues to unveil evil so the Church will not look back or criticize God’s judgements!

