“Brace Yourself” – ...
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“Brace Yourself” – Pastor Dana Coverstone's Dream 10 August

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Ultimately, this will all be judged by what happens in the next few months.

No tar and feathers need to be handed out.

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5Doves' Chance is actually Charles Landis, a he.  I took a chance and was wrong. :yes:

Geri, skip down over all the bold lettering and read the rest.

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No tar, no feathers, no stones either .... my apologies ... did not mean to offend .... my main statement was actually in reference to the fact of there appears to be an increase on “dreamers” and my caution is to use simple discernment using Gods truth. It is not up to me to interpret, discount, or accept what is occurring.... Greater minds than mind are available to go there....  I’m just watching, praying, witnessing, and waiting ... the time is at hand :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:

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Is my stance surprising?  May be there's a special bond...?  Consider this obscure plain-sight relationship: Dan WhiteStone / Dana CoverStone.

One more obscure thought if that relationship isn't sufficient evidence: in the game scissors-paper-stone, paper covers stone, and so wins that round. :yes: :wacko:

And in conclusion, some high-grade papers have a special bond that remains hidden until given the right perspective and the light reveals it.  And yet another fact: most paper is White.  No?

There are no coincidences in God's Creation.   Right?  :unsure:  😉  So I rest my case.

My verdict: Both Stones are good guys who are wild about Jesus; and I'm unanimous in this. :yes:

David W. Roche
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I'm not dismissing nor casually accepting what he has dreamed.  I'm just taking a "watch what happens" approach.  I really hope we won't be here until Passover 2021 or later.

Going to check out that link on interpretation now.


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Me too. It's difficult to tell what is "real" and what is not. The history of prophetic dreams being real is dismal but at the same time I cannot just disregard his dream because it seems off to me. My leaning is that it is false, as this is the great majority of these types of dreams, but I will take the "wait and see" stance. I will not be making any critical decisions based on his dreams, though.

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I dunno.  Check out his Facebook page.

Consider 1 John 4:1-3: "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.  By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already."

What's the critical risk here in the message?  Probably that it's unsettling / scary / out of control / yet intuitively plausible.  Or maybe that it's too hopeful -- a "please don't suck me in again" kinda thing.

Interesting data points...  We'll see.  Absolutely we'll see.

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I felt guilty giving such a harsh response.  But with your latest discovery .... we now have the Lone Ranger  :rose: joining in our Debbie Downers/Johnny Rain Cloud’s Kosher critics group! :yahoo:

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You know what the red flag for me was .. all his dreams are very negative with the doom and gloom.  I’m all for prepping non perishable items, within reason.  But nothing at the end of his youtubes to give hope nor a quick salvation message to those who happen to be listening.  He should be concerned for the lost and I don’t see it.  So that leads me to the other direction of  “why” is he creating them?   I don’t know what the set up is with creating a youtube ... does he gain a profit by how many view them?  Or do they need to click subscribe and then hopes his followers will send money to him or his church? :unsure:

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I’m remaining <b><u>positive</u></b> to leave here sooner than later - imminent (any minute)!

Stuff stashed for those left!

Will spread the Word of truth, the Gospel of our salvation wherever the Holy Spirit opens a door, “watch, witness, wick trimmed, wait, and pray :prayer-hands:

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