Lee, we can also include the 0500 - 0600 am Israel time as it relates to Boaz sending Ruth home before the harvesters woke up to work the threshing floor. It’s viable for a timeframe as Boaz is the Kinsmen redeemer and Ruth is the Gentile Bride. :unsure: :prayer-hands: Lot's of teaching and theory about the Raprure these days! I wonder if the Lord is laughing or shaking his head and rolling his eyes?! They are all convincing! Apparently, He isn't! TR I got a feeling the Lord is only shaking His head and rolling His eyes at those who believe in the mid trib, pre-wrath and post trib views and think He will permit His bride to go through the horrors of the 7 yrs. 1/3 of the worlds population is going to die off early on ... if we use 7 billion number then we are looking at a staggering 2,333,333,333 billion will die in the first 3 1/2 years alone. I believe Jesus gave us a BIG clue ... “while they are saying peace and security” sudden destruction comes upon them but not the church. So we can time the rapture event either occurring when all the countries that plan on signing their pledge to the agreement have done so or the church leaves prior to that announcement. Since we know its in the works ... we are VERY close to flying up up and away and just need to stay alert and watchful so we aren’t caught off guard. :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn Indeed epoch changes are in the glorious plans of God! Redemption or rejection awaits us all! Praying that the Harvest of the Lord only continues to grow! All to His glory! Let us all be mindful of all that struggle in body, soul and spirit as we search for still waters. May He restore each of us! TR
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