Being a Christian l...
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Being a Christian living in an anti-God society.

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This video was done by Answers In Genesis and is a timely and powerful testimony to the world we live in today and the calling of God upon our lives. We were not born to this time to be comfortable or to chase after materialism. We were put here in this time to shine the light of Christ to a dying world. I am not suggesting that having a good life is a bad thing but the days are clearly very short and our purpose should not be on material gain and a comfy life.

It's a bit longer than most videos I post. It is roughly an hour in length.

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yes, yes, in this late hour, we have His Word, saying: For a little while longer, so short is the time of Grace among My little lights upon the earth soon to be caught up . .

Lord, we pray,  cause us 'to be still and know that You are God teaching us more, how and why the flesh profits nothing. As well, we ask, we pray amidst the busy (dis)tractions coming from the enemy's evil bent agenda, how long shall it be, Abba will You stay patient while the Bridegroom patiently waits also for Your announcement, "Son go fetch Your Bride" .

~ ~. yes, Jesus, may the Lovely wedding ceremony begin . . We are feeling soooooooooo ready, Father . . draw us closer each day, in frequency of prayer keeping us  wide-eyed and not too weary to look up for You, Jesus and Your great and most wonderful appearing . . . .

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Amen ~ This is the time it is...

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.…Mk 16

At minimum, prayer for all the Lost in all the earth



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To me, it can be difficult to find that balance between:

(1) making wise decisions for safety and provisions for myself, my family (and any extended family etc.) whom He has now or may ask you to care for in the future & resisting the temptation to focus on acquiring & keeping personal comfort above all for myself and my loved ones and

(2)being focused on the Lord Himself and His work- what is He doing in the hearts and souls of these people (family relationships, etc. in your life) that you can, yes pray specifically for & maybe directly encourage them in the growth of their faith in Him...and how can we be involved in His work to draw to Himself the lost people we come in contact with...

Rest and restoration (even recreation) is good and important and there is no sin in being  comfortable, but Holy Spirit is the Comforter Who is with us always & everywhere- God doesn't need our help to manipulate situations and circumstances to continually try to create our own or others' comfort...the temptation is real:  to become self-centered and even lazy, or busy only in trying to take control to create results we desire into our own hands instead of letting go into our Heavenly Father's...

i don't want to be ashamed at His coming - i'd rather be fruity!

Seek first the Kingdom of God is very convicting to me as once again we begin house hunting...i don't want to be distracted from my Savior...but we have to learn to be in communion with Him while continuing to live in this world as long as we are here...

the closer we come to know and love Him, though, the more we are submissive~ in loving trust~ to Him living His life in and through us as He changes our perspectives, attitudes, thoughts, and therefore words and actions as well.

from Psalm 37 & commentary & Strong's... Trust in Yahweh/The Self-Existent and do good;  dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness.  Delight yourself in The Eternal and He will give you the desires of your heart....

~as we draw near to Him and He draws near to us, our desires will be shaped by His plans for our good, the good of others, and most of all for His glory~

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After rereading my original post I want to add clarity to my comment " I am not suggesting that having a good life is a bad thing but the days are clearly very short and our purpose should not be on material gain and a comfy life" so it isn't misinterpreted and doesn't come off as preachy. God requires us to live in this modern day Babylonian society and He has given us many good things. But good things should not be our main focus. We should be thankful for what has been given us but we need to remember that this world is dying and we need to be aware that we are called to be a light in this diseased and dying world. I too often lose focus of this and get caught up in my own life, needs, desires, failing to see the needs of others, especially their need for Jesus and the time is short. We clearly see the proverbial writing on the wall.

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Agree Yohanan; whatever God has given us, we are grateful. However He leads us each day is our peace. Whatever we have is sufficient because He tells us not to worry. Whatever He impresses upon us at any time to do, or not, is acknowledging and honoring Him in following His leading.

Wherever we're at, we're content ~ just with a listening ear in this short time left for how the Lord may want us to be included or about steering the lost toward Christ and eternal life with Him.

This world has nothing for us.
This world has nothing for the Lost.
It's like a stopping place between Heaven or hell.


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It’s like a stopping place between Heaven or hell.


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Amen, Kolleen & Yohanan!

I think He is teaching those who have ears to hear these exact things especially recently (past few years) in the USA!

I actually haven't watched the video yet, but do plan to - this is just stuff that is close to home to me for the past almost year now...lots of learning to let go of what is visible & temporary...lots of learning to hold on to what & Who is not...

definite trials, but also definite faith building and fruit bearing opportunities- after the pruning!  And when we are faithful and fruity we are more at peace and full of joy because we are more like our Lord Jesus Christ!

When we focus on the blessings more than the One Who blesses or on our hopes for ourselves & loved ones well-being in the physical realm more than praying for and encouraging their spiritual growth toward a healthy, loving relationship with our Savior, we are not as at peace & healthy mentally & emotionally than when we are choosing to seek 1st the King and His Kingdom and becoming more and more spiritually healthy (AKA "Christ-like" by the power of Holy Spirit with us!)

Thankful for a place- RITAN- to stop in and be encouraged and challenged in the right directions...thank you for any prayers for the saints that include us all on here!

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p.s. the world long ago (as a young Believer) was a tempting place to me and i found nothing lasting or fulfilling...later in life, solitude and seclusion became a healing solace but it began turning toward selfish hiding as i held onto growing knowledge of the Lord, but let my own insecurities keep me from trusting Him enough to take the next steps to share- Him, His love, at the expense of "my" time, effort and feelings of comfort and security...I'm thankful He shook up my world...sometimes earthquakes are a blessing to shake us out of ruts that keep us in a very limited perspective that does not match His own

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gratefulforgrace, did your situation with that neighbor ever improve, or are you wanting to move because of it?


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