Yep! Liberal policies in action! ? :wacko: CNN’s collapse is now complete: CNN has completed its “riches to rags” journey in total humiliation, as President Donald J. Trump predicted. However, the mainstream media will completely ignore that Trump and his supporters were right about the unpopularity of pushing leftist propaganda. In recent memory, CNN, led by Jeff Zucker, became nothing more than a constant attack machine of the left, solely focused on discrediting Trump and trying to marginalize and dis-spirit his supporters. Now Zucker and the entire news network see the consequences of alienating massive groups of people. Some people believe the recent dust-up over the resignation of Zucker is over a relationship, and even The Hill is suspicious, according to their recent reporting by Joe Concha: Concha cited several reports he read to cite documentation that Zucker didn’t leave because of a relationship and hinted that it was more likely because Zucker’s actions forced him out. And to prove that CNN has wholly fallen, Concha wrote: “Moving forward, what’s next for CNN when the company falls under the Discovery Channel umbrella later this year? Let’s hear from its soon-to-be largest shareholder, John Malone of Liberty Media. In the late 1980’s - early 2000’s I will say this about CNN … they would show real news back then on the hour every hour vs. having to wait for your local news to report things later in the nightly news spot. So it was good idea they had going for those who worked odd hours to get their news source and for those on vacation to be … “in the know” of the disasters. Even though it would be repeated news … they would add updates for any breaking news. Then the tide changed with them being so liberal and one sided and then it morphed into bad mouthing each politician in office or running for office … they strayed BIG time away from their early on goal of “reporting the world wide big news”. I remember sitting in the family room keeping my dementia dad company and him having that station on from 2011 - 2015 :wacko: I would have my ipad with me to use just to keep my sanity and would look up from time to time and watch the horror show of the bad mouthing. I thought this isn’t real news and asked my dad why does he watch it … he said he needs constant motion of action to keep his mind off his sickness of worrying and fear. The first thing I did once he passed away was to cut the cord on the TV service. B-) I did think the AC was going to use that station … now I ponder what station will be the platform to promote the deceitful lies for 7 years? MSNBC is a good front runner for that job. Will MSNBC's acronyms stand for "Make Sure No Belief in Christ"? You got it! I just watched this 10 minute interview. The title of the video doesn't really go with the content of it. In the video Dr. Ben Marble says that more people will die in 2022 than any other year in human history. https://www.brighteon.com/f6655ebd-1234-4412-82f9-5a0d71456e36 Well here it is !!! H.T. talked about this on his show last night. This article was for subscribers only until just now Tonight at 9pm est is his once a week 2 hour broadcast. I'm sure that will be his main topic for tonight show. Here's an excerpt from Hal's article... The Punchline The punchline to this is simple: A whole slew of people all over the world, recently took the COVID vaccines. One of the known side-effects of taking that vaccine is a sharp and prolonged reduction in CD-8 T-Cells; the first line defenses in the human body, to kill off invading viruses. Some people have seen an 81% REDUCTION in their CD-8 cells after being vax'd. What do you think will happen if actual Smallpox hits such people? With their frontline immune system defenses dulled by up to 81%, will they stand any chance at all of surviving Smallpox? Or would the disease simply take them over like wildfire and wipe them out? Oh, and no one would ever even question what killed them; they'd be covered in sores and pustules. It would be clear: Smallpox killed them. The people who set it all up . . . walk away scot-free because nobody will bother asking how a disease that was CERTIFIED as ERADICATED 40 some odd years ago, and hasn't been seen anywhere on the planet in more than 40 years, suddenly popped back up. And nobody will connect the dots that the Smallpox "outbreak" was done on purpose, and it wiped out 2/3rds of humanity --- but only because those 2/3rds were set up to die by a COVID vaccine. Humanity gets culled and no one is the wiser. Gee, how convenient. ‘I get PAID to be homeless in San Francisco’: A self-proclaimed’ old-school junkie’ who moved from Texas to San Francisco because ‘it’s f*****g easy’ to be homeless there claims he’s being paid by the city government to be homeless on the streets, getting $620 in cash per month and hundreds of food stamps while he sells narcan and enjoys Amazon Prime and Netflix on his phone. ‘This right now is literally by choice, literally by choice. If we’re going to be realistic, they pay you to be homeless here,’ James, a homeless man with face tattoos who has been living in San Francisco since June, told Michael Shellenberger, author of San Fransicko, a book about how the city’s progressive leaders are accused of worsening homelessness, inequality and crime. James said it only took one phone call to receive government assistance, including hundreds in cash and food stamps worth approximately $100, and notes the ‘free money’ is motivation to remain homeless. https://populistpress.com/i-get-paid-to-be-homeless-in-san-francisco/
“I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” Malone said in an interview that recently aired on CNBC.”