Indeed in the very hour of Christ's deception and prior to His greatest hour, the leaders of the church are overtaken by little physical strength!</p> How prophetic this event in scripture is. For such is the case today as well. In the very hours preceeding the second greatest event scheduled in Christianity the Rapture of His Church, church leaders are found again asleep. This upcoming mystery also requires that we be in prayer! His death and betrayal ushered in great tribulation for the church. Just as the Rapture shall also usher in the time of Jacob's trouble! Both the leaders of Christianity and Israel are asleep prior to their greatest challenge! TR Exactly! Our God is so amazing in how he speaks to us in layers and thru so many scripture passages. :prayer-hands: No wonder it takes a shout and trumpet to raise even the dead!! The power alone of His spoken word is awesome, that all creation responds! Let alone, His shouting and blasting of trumpets! TR
Christ was in deep prayer, and His disciples were asked to watch and pray. It was at this very point, that they were found asleep!
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June 8, 2020 3:28 am
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June 8, 2020 10:43 am
June 9, 2020 4:39 am