Hi Captain Dan...love this post and how you express things...so funny! Great idea. I woke up this morning thinking of all things...are non-members able to click the like button and make it work? Wondering if everyone that shows up already is a member...except one did say she was lurking. Well, anyway, seemed like a strange thought to wake up too...and then my mind went immediately to..."Oh, Lord Jesus...is this the day???" So excited for this flight to Glory NJ to actually ...take off!!! Thanks for all the time the mods spend taking care of the site! :thankyou Blessings, Elaine Hi Glorybound, this is from our Home page: RITA is a private group. You must be registered and approved by the administrator to post. So those not registered are not able to click the like buttons or post. Anyone posting within our site, are registered members. Apparently Rita's threads can be read by non-members. Our Lurkers are registered members who read here, but who normally don't participate, though their participation is always hoped for and welcomed, as they add to the worth, purpose and reason for keeping our site alive. :rose: Thanks, Kolleen...that clears that up. I don't know why I didn't just read the rules...Oh, yes , I do know why...I'm too busy watching and waiting!!!Haha :flyup: Well, it wasn't in the rules, but on the Home page. I agree with you Glorybound - it is time to seriously watch. I keep imagining how the first moments, hours and days of chaos there will be on earth at our departure, and how immensely all facets of living will be affected. :rose: :rose: Just like you. Kolleen, I have imaginings as to what I might be doing when that "twinkling of an eye" happens : driving my car, asleep in bed, taking a bath etc.. Yet I remind myself that the one who knows the number of hair on my head at any given moment, the one who took control of the sea and the wind etc. etc. , who is the Miracle Creator in the whole universe, will also know see to the repercussions that take place resulting from the quick exit of millions in all kinds of circumstances . The aftermath and consequences after God's people are Raptured, will only magnify that only God decides what is acceptable and good, not men! No believer shall ever be embarrassed at the time of their being lifted up! Just glorified. TR
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