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Asian Woman Attacked; Building Staff Just Watched

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Patricia N.
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"Asian Woman Attacked in NYC, Building Staff Who Saw Attack Suspended"

"An Asian woman was brutally attacked in Midtown Manhattan in New York City on Monday while the staff in a nearby building watched and did nothing to help, according to a video."

"The video showed the suspect allegedly kicking the 65-year-old woman in front of an apartment building at 360 West 43rd Street at 11:40 a.m. Monday and then stomping on her head.  The video also showed several men from the apartment building standing near the door just feet away from where the attack took place, failing to intervene."

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They are trying to ignite another race war that was first started under Obummer.

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Yeah I know. It's awful. 🙁  Who's next? Italians? Satan is really ramping his hate up! 🙁

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Mamma Mia say it ain’t so ... no upsetti thee Italianos!    The pasta-bilities of pizzeria closures would soon become pastaways of the fondu gravy years ...


P.S. guess what I’m having for lunch?  Pizza! :yahoo:

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this 100% is a race bait scenario

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"Geri9 says Mamma Mia say it ain’t so … no upsetti thee Italianos!"

I'ma Italian! Are youa? Smile
"The pasta-bilities of pizzeria closures would soon become pastaways of the fondu gravy years …"

Are we hungry? ROFL!

"P.S. guess what I’m having for lunch? Pizza!"

:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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LOL ... I knew you would get a kick out of it ... I suspected you were because I recall you used to have  Bonadonna listed after your first name and it was a dead giveaway being eyetalian. :mdrmdr:

Yes, :bye:  I’m Italian and Sicilian from my Mamma Mia side.  My dad is Irish but fortunately he quickly learned to love Italian dishes.  He actually had no choice ... the only Irish meal was once a year (St Patty’s Day).  The first time he was introduced to pizza was in the Navy in Norfolk, VA ... his buddies said let’s go out for some Tomato Pie ... he was hesitant thinking it was a dessert pie with tomatoes cooked inside. B-)

I knew you would understand the gravy lango ... did your grandparents also call the tomato sauce “gravy”?   When we visited our grandparents ... my Grandmama (Nana) was notorious for saying  “The pot of gravy is on and almost done”. We would crack up.

Yes, as soon as I posted that comment I quickly ran out to the store and bought some ready made dough and made a pie.  :whistle:

Is  “Agita”  a family word in your house?   I just saw this t-shirt ... I wish they had this years ago ... B-)


Its going to be fun if all the Italianos in heaven are at one dinner table and talking with their hands. :mdrmdr:


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Okay leaving you a private message doesn't work! ROFL!

"LOL … I knew you would get a kick out of it … I suspected you were because I recall you used to have  Bonadonna listed after your first name and it was a dead giveaway being eyetalian."

Oh really? I don't remember! Hahaha.

"Yes,  I’m Italian and Sicilian from my Mamma Mia side.  My dad is Irish but fortunately he quickly learned to love Italian dishes.  He actually had no choice …"

He had no choice! Hahahahaha. Ohhh  Italian and Sicilian! Great combination. Did you do your family tree?

"his buddies said let’s go out for some Tomato Pie … he was hesitant thinking it was a dessert pie with tomatoes cooked inside."


"did your grandparents also call the tomato sauce “gravy”? "

Hahaha no. It was always sauce, but not in the can!! NO NO! That's a no no!!

"Yes, as soon as I posted that comment I quickly ran out to the store and bought some ready made dough and made a pie.:

Oh! You made a pizza pie? Smile
"Is  “Agita”  a family word in your house?   I just saw this t-shirt … I wish they had this years ago …"

Oh sometimes, not all the time. Oh love the shirt!!!

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Sorry I was logged in but off-line most of the morning.  I did receive your PM and just responded back. :yes:
