We wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and grow more impatient by the minute! And yet, the Lord will be right on time in His perfect timing. We wish He would have already come, or will be here in a minute, but we will be required to wait a little longer. I request, Lord, that You come sooner, please?!. Standing on the shore, Gazing out to sea, I watch the ships sail slowly past, Paying no regard to me. So many destinations, Awaiting their soon arrival, But here I stand in sinking sand, Consumed with my own survival. The tides will ebb and flow, The stars will wax and wane, My existence doesn’t seem to affect, How they shift with mock disdain. The Moon rises with such luminance, As the Sun plummets to a fiery death, The feeling of insignificance, Has begun to sap my breath. What is the purpose for life? What function am I serving here? How do I know if I’m heading in the right direction, When my existence seems so unclear? These thoughts disturb my mind, Emanating from mortal flesh, I know I’ll never be at ease, Until my supplications are focused and fresh. Sometimes the silence is deafening, When my prayers seem to hit the ceiling, But I know I must persist in faith, And “be still” while awaiting Healing. I exist within a vacuous void, Which only our Lord can fill, No earthly wealth or worldly pleasure, Can compare to His Wondrous thrill! Patience is a virtue, Trust in God an absolute essential, Only when I allow Him into my heart, Will I realize my Divine potential. After an interminable span of darkness, I again see the approaching dawn, The SON was there all through the night, As the waves rolled slowly on. Humbly Irrelevant and impatient to boot! Well said and beautifully captures our hearts condition! TR Thank you TR! My "heart condition" is going to be straight-lining pretty soon if our life on this earth continues. I am a major pessimist about what the future holds. My opinion is that the evil in this world will continue to ramp up while any semblance of happiness for us continues to be diminished by the godlessness of others. I only see deterioration of what we enjoy now. I guess I'm a Debbie Downer. Sorry. Humbly Share your frustration and world view! Should we call you Debbie from now on?! TR Do you have any specific prayer request Humbly? Aw, thanks for the offer Kolleen -- you are a very compassionate person. I do not have any prayer requests, but I appreciate the offer. The Good Lord watches over me and has blessed me much over my life. I am still standing today because of Him and how much He loves me and blesses my paths. Life isn't easy, but it isn't absolutely terrible yet -- but I fear what lies just around the corner for all of us if we aren't raptured before this earthly train goes off the rails soon. God bless you! Debbie Downer Also can share in your testimony! Whatever complaints I may have would'nt fill the head of a pin! For He turns my sorrow into joy and my weakness into strength! I know that if there be any good thing or noteworthy found in me, it was placed there by His hand, not mine! TR
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