I know when that sky opens up & I see Jesus coming in the clouds, I'll be singing, I'm ready, Lord, I'm ready. A different song but it kind of makes you want to dance, I have two beagles and we were dancing to it, they loved it. The time is ripe now for His return, so keep looking up and dance a little for Him too. Ready, yes, oh so ready for : " ..the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. "1 Thess.4:16. The "with a shout" ---- have you ever wondered what the shout "says"? Well, down here where I live (deep South) It will probably be something like "Hey Y'all, git up here!" where as in the north is might be something like "Yo, youins, come ova here". In California it might be "Dudes and Dudettes, surfs up!" 😉 Love those John! This could be a thread in itself! "What will He Shout...." Recall when Jesus raised Lazarus, Mary's & Martha's brother Lazarus , from being dead four days, by crying out "Lazarus, come forth !" (John 11:43). What might have happened if He had not called Lazarus by name ---how many of the dead would have "come forth" !!!! So what the "shout" says may very well be all important !! Good point, Ruth!!! Perhaps it might just be ... “My sheep, come forth?” :unsure: John 10:27-28 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” Psa.147:4 says "He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name." He called Adam out by name in the Garden of Eden("Adam where are you?"), He called Abram out by name to leave Ur, He called Moses at the burning bush incident, as well as dealing with pharaoh,etc.etc.etc., and on into the New Testament where He called Saul by name on the road to Damascus, and Peter by name on more than one occasion etc. etc. etc. All this to say that we might each of us hear our name called in that "shout"at rapture time ---is that too far fetched to consider ? I'm expecting to hear my name! :yes: TR Good point, Ruth ... but what if a person is born with more than one name? Do you think Jesus will call us by all our birth names ... if so, gasp ... I’m afraid flying upward will be a slight delay for me and many others ... unless He calls us by our nicknames? :yes:
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