So I am a simple person and want to throw out a proposal thought. If you believe that God follows a pattern as I do and if that pattern correlates to the 6 days of creation and 6000 years of earth existence and then 1 day of rest or 1000 year kingdom. 2000 years from Adam to Abraham (per genealogy) 2000 years from Abraham to Christ (per genealogy) 2000 years from Christ to now (per genealogy and order of design) If we go by Christ’s birth, 30 AD minus 7 we end up with 23 or 2023 — although some have argued for the finished work of the cross 33AD, placing the timeline to be 26 or 2026. BUT, with all the convergence of signs, my guess is I am sticking with the birth theory and we have to be out of here no later than Sept as Israel begins the new year or next Shmita cycle. The year 5782 on the Jewish calendar (Sept. 7, 2021–Sept. 26, 2022) will be the next Sabbatical year. So we are way close :unsure: thoughts!!! I totally agree with you Tammie, I really think the 6000 year thing has some substance and as TR said: ”Even demons are getting antsy and acting out!” It makes me think of when Jesus cast out the demons out of the man in Matthew 8 and the demons response upon being expelled was - “And suddenly they cried out, saying, “What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?”” How do the demons know what time they would be tormented? If no man knows the day or the hour not even the angels in heaven (or demons) how would they know it was “before the time”. In my mind they may not know the day or the hour but I think they have a far better idea of what time it is more than most of us do. These evil entities have been around from the beginning and while we struggle to figure it what calendar is correct or just how close we are to that 6000 year marker - I think they know that much exactly since they have been keeping time from the beginning. So I think the 6000 year thing probably holds a lot of weight and would explain a lot - like verses like the one I just quoted. Too many things are converging rapidly lately, the fig tree generation certainly in the ball park if not in a little overtime at this point. Shemitta cycle also. Possibly even a Jubilee. I personally think as hard as we watch (and maybe even the demons to know the exact time of their condemnation) - there may be things like when God caused the sun to stand still in Joshua’s time or turned back the shadow on the sundial in Hezekiah’s time that might muddy the waters even for the best watcher human or otherwise - but it really seems very obvious we have to be in the closest proximity in all of history. By the way, no I didn’t get to see the eclipse either. Not broken hearted - it would have been past my normal bedtime, but I would have made an effort to stay up or get up to see one of God’s masterpieces of nature - but typical of Tennessee weather the weather was great all day and then clouded up and rained right before the eclipse. This seems to be typical and has happened for me for almost all of the eclipses since the blood moons in 2014-2015. It made it an easy choice just to go to bed at a normal hour. I used to get disappointed that I couldn’t see the eclipse and still am a little because it is a wonder of creation - but a long time ago I felt the Holy Spirit leading me that these eclipses are portends of wrath and judgement to which I am not appointed anyway, so I felt the Holy Spirit communicating that it really didn’t matter if I get to see it for this reason since the message they are communicating really isn’t for me anyway. I was cool with that. B-) Not taking issue, Derrick, but those Matthew 8:29 demons may easily have known it was not the time of the end. For example, consider Daniel 12:9, "...the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end." However, yes; the "6000 year thing" does hold a lot of weight. :yes: I for one am hopeful for this coming Shavuot. I often wonder if the countdown actually began not in 1948, but in 1967. When Jerusalem was reclaimed by Israel. Many of these prophecies center around Jerusalem. The acceleration surrounding the convergence of signs point to a very near rapture. I will be surprised if we're still here in 2025. I really hope it happens before the year is out. God Bless. Very true MWS and duly noted and absolutely I would not be dogmatic about the demons of Matthew 8 knowing exactly the 6000 year timeline, although I suspect they do and it would make a lot of sense, but that of course is just speculation on my part. One other thing I should have included above in regards to the “time” we live in and just “how close” it must be. We often look at cycles like the Shmetta and wonder is this “the” cycle we are to look for - or we look at dates like May 14 and wonder is the fig tree generation “exactly 70-80 years” or just a ball park estimate. Here is another harbinger of just how close I think we are, and it is based more on scientific observation and less on speculation. If anybody is aware of the pole drift/shift that is going on this tells us a lot about how close I think we are too. I can remember back in the early 2000s when I was flying and working as a dispatcher in flight operations even back then the poles had started to drift. They began renaming runways as the magnetic heading was starting to move, runway 20 for example, indicating a magnetic heading of 020, would have to be renamed to runway 21 because the magnetic heading had changed to 021 for example. This has been a known fact for a while - the poles have been drifting since around 1900, however they have been drifting faster and more severely as the years go on - no wonder the weather has gotten so crazy, yeah there’s your climate change. Some say the drift is growing exponentially as we get closer to a reversal or pole flip and I have heard reports that the poles have sped up to about several degrees shift per month. By some calculations, when the poles drift past 40 degrees they will flip and the calculations I have heard is that at the current rate of drift if they don’t slow down that would place a flip of the magnetic poles in about 10 months. I find this interesting because these are scientific calculations from secular scientists independent of Bible prophecy that may be pointing to something that looks a lot similar to the 6th seal which of course we know we won’t be around to see. This is a hard area to delve into because there is also a lot of “conspiratorial” type mis-information surrounding it and I don’t know for sure if the 10 month timeframe that I have heard is 100% accurate - but all I can do is evaluate it based upon the facts I do know. Fact - the governments are acting weird in two ways first in wanting to de-populate the earth like they know something is coming and a smaller population will be easier to control. Also second the government is spending money like they will never have to pay it back - because maybe they know they won’t ever have to pay it back in the event of a cataclysm. Speculations on my part as to the motives of the governments but the facts of the governments behaviors are there and makes a lot of sense I think based on the behavior of the government. Fact - the poles are shifting, how fast currently I can’t say for certain, but I can say for certain that 20 years ago they were having to rename runways over it. If there are any other long time pilots on this forum they should be able to easily confirm that. Fact - again not sure if the 10 month timeframe is exactly correct, but it sure does converge with everything else we see going on which leads to the final and best fact…. Fact - Yes, Jesus is coming back soon! Fig Tree Generation Drop dead date. This one is for you TR! I , like everyone else, am watching trying to figure out what seems to be the most obvious end times prophecy, the fig tree generation. Most solid prophecy teachers always tell us to “watch Israel” - that this is the best indicator of what time is it, and we have all been watching. The fact that the fig tree represents Israel in the Bible is irrefutable, but the wild card in question is what is the length of a generation? And when did the generational countdown start? And this seems to be why TR started this thread. We just saw the May 14th date come and go again, but it got me thinking maybe I should crunch a few numbers and see what is the absolute last available drop dead date for the 80 year fig tree generation to still be valid, and to see if it is busted or possibly still valid. So if we use May 14, 1948 as the start date (I find it hard to believe that it could be the 1967 date since the fig tree does not represent Jerusalem but Israel, plus I don’t see how this can drag on another 19 years) plus 80 years equals May 14, 2028 - but Israel turns 80 in 2028 but could remain 80 up until May 14, 2029 so we have to consider that date as a possible end date still offering validity o the prophecy. Let’s work it out from the Hebrew side of things and see if we can drag it out any longer than that - so on the Hebrew calendar Israel’s birthday was Iyar 5, 5708, again adding 80 years would be Iyar 5 5788, but since Israel remains 80 until the end of that full year, the last possible date should be Iyar 5, 5789 - this would convert to April 20, 2029 so we can see that the Gregorian date of May 14, 2029 would be the later of the two dates. Using the time/date website to subtract the 2520 days of tribulation renders these results: Using the earlier, Hebrew date of Iyar 5/ April 20, 2029 - 2520 days gives us a date of May 27, 2022 when the tribulation might start if the 80 year fig tree calculation is still valid. Using the later date of May 14, 2029 - 2520 days gives us a date of June 20, 2022 as the latest possible date the tribulation can start and still have that 80 year fig tree prophecy pegged to Israel as valid. So in my opinion we are not out of time for that prophecy to be valid, we may be quickly approaching it however. It would seem that sometime between May 27 and June 20 the rapture should happen if indeed the 2520 days of Tribulation are to begin and conclude before Israel turns 81. Thoughts? Feedback? The only real thing I see nixing that is the shemitah always starts on F.O.T. in Sept/Oct. So a random start date for the trib in May/June doesnt fit the shemitah pattern. Could work for the rapture, but not the trib. Also I've often had this weird opinion on the generation thingy. Yes the Bible says 70 years or 80 if you have the strength. But thats a different verse than this generation shall not pass that sees all these things. So combining the 2 verses isnt neccessarily accurate. God could easily keep someone born on May 14 1948 alive for 100+ years and still have that prophecy be accurate and true that somone who was alive at the birth of Israel didnt die and witnessed the 2nd coming. Yes rapture any day now (really hoping for Pentacost or sooner) , trib needs to start this Sept or we wait another 7 years for it to start...... and I have a very very difficult time seeing this world survive another 7 years before the trib kicks off. I do agree with you Taureauchien that we don’t know for certain if we can link those scriptures and hence all our frustration lol! I also have had some of the same inclinations as you that someone living to 100 years old, but I have a little bit different of a take. I don’t think it could be someone born on May 14, 1948 but I think if we are not basing it on that date, then I think whatever the date is would have to come well before that. Here’s why. In the fig tree prophecy Jesus says “So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.” I emphasized “when you see” linking this condition to “this generation” - so conditionally the generation that “sees” all these things will not pass away - so we have to ask, sees all what things? In context the thing they are being told some generation will witness is not only the return of Christ, but with the context of the fig tree, the rebirth of Israel - we probably all agree on this much. However I started considering this some years ago - would someone born on May 14, 1948 qualify? Did they “see” the rebirth of Israel as a newborn, infant, toddler or even small child? I think it might be possible for a small child of Jewish parents to understand the significance of Israel’s rebirth if their parents explained it to them when they were young - but as a baseline I think most of us are pretty oblivious to world events like the rebirth of a nation well into our teens. I remember I was probably 18 or 20 before I started paying attention to world events and so I have often thought that the fig tree generation, if we are basing it on date of birth, probably started several years earlier than 1948 so that those who would witness the rebirth of Israel and understand geo-politically the big deal that just happened, would also live to see the second coming. If I had to label it, I would think that this equates to the WW2 generation, which there are not many left of these days. But for the sake of argument, I wanted to crunch the numbers to see if the 80 year maximum was at this point “busted” or still “plausible”. I also cannot see how it all would fit in with a Shmitta timeframe and have considered that the second coming will likely be in the fall in coordination with the fall feasts, but then again, Jesus did say the days would be cut short and we just don’t know how that will be accomplished either. I have often wondered if we even have the day counts right we know that 2520 days are assigned, but how might that be cut short? If 2300 or 2400 days in, God decided, ok this is enough I’m sending in my Son now - would anyone argue about that and say “Hey, wait a minute, you owe us another 100 days!” Of course not, and it is even in our world the prerogative of the judge to grant “time served” - so I have considered that the heavenly Judge could do the same if He wanted to. I have often pondered, suppose, hypothetically, based upon the 80 year scenario, the tribulation was due to end May 14, 2029 and then in the fall of 2028, the heavenly Judge proclaims “time served” and sends the Son back to fulfill the 2028 fall feasts, this shortening the days and sending Him back on a day when no one is expecting Him (no man knows the day or hour) - would anyone complain about that? I’m just spitballing ideas trying to peek into the things that prophets and angels have longed to understand, knowing that I probably never will. When it comes right down to it, we really don’t even know how time really works, we only experience it from our perspective and when God works His plan out I think it will leave us all marveling and scratching our heads at the same time. Sometimes I feel like crunching numbers and pointing out dates is a nice pastime and both rewarding and frustrating at the same time, but sometimes I think it is something that will constantly frustrate us because I don’t know that we can envision exactly how it will all go down, seeing through the mirror darkly as we do. So Derrick I am not a long time pilot but both my husband and I like to fly. He actually has his commercial, twin engine license. We are both out of compliance right now, mostly because of the severe increase in gas prices and post covid when hardly anyone could take a craft up. Anyway, yes we understand the shifting of the runways according to the degree to navigate the downturn for landing. It is true and tower records can validate the changes per the FAA. Do you ever listen to MonkeyWerks? I follow Him to watch all the aircraft flight patterns and increasing awareness of “activity” by the parties that be. A lot of what God does follows a pattern, He is very mathematical as we would understand things. :popcorn In Daniel there is also a mention of an extra 30 then an additional 45 days after the 2520...could that be sometime between June- FOT of 2029?
Matthew 8:29
Matthew 24:33-34