April 8 Eclipse is ...
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April 8 Eclipse is linked to Israel Peace Plan

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Rick Jones
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It's very strange, when I created the jpg file at 9:28 California time, the city on the USGS site was showing Califon. Now when you look at their page it shows Waterhouse Station. The two cities are 11 miles from each other. It just goes to show you can't believe anything that the government posts.

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No worries … with all the equipment they have … they can’t even get the weather right for the next day. 

Hey Rick you are going to like this …

on Lisa’s WW65 channel … 

Someone commented … so a 4.8 quake .. hmmm … and we got the 4/8 eclipse date rapidly coming up. 

Also Lisa mentioned .. yesterday the Statue of Liberty was struck by lightning and then this morning the quake. She was asking is this a warning from God? 

Lisa was also reading an article

apparently some New Yorkers are making fun of the rapture … “quaking in their boots in fear the rapture has begun.”


So everything is ripe and lining up Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn I hope we fly out of here by Monday on eclipse day! 

Patricia N.
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@rickjones427   It's quite common for the magnitude and epicenter of earthquakes to be revised as more information comes in.

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Another New Yorker said it was the longest quake they ever felt and they used to live in L.A. California. 

They must not have lived in California for very long. The Northridge quake in 1994, which was a 6.7 and considered a "strong" earthquake, lasted between 10-20 seconds. A magnitude 4.8 is considered "light". Going up one whole number on the scale indicates the ground motion increased by a factor of 10. This means a magnitude 5 earthquake would result in about 10 times as much ground movement as a magnitude 4 earthquake and a magnitude 6 is 20 times as much as a magnitude 4. When I lived in California we had the Hector Mine earthquake which registered at 7.1. This is considered a "major" earthquake. It only lasted about 10 seconds. I'm no seismologist but I find it hard to believe that a 4.8 rumbler could last longer than a major earthquake. 

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When I was watching people in NY talk, they are fearful, they don't know what to think. How could this happen in this area, who do they think they are, God is warning the world, repent, but they will not listen Yippie , it's like as in Noah's day for sure. We know God, we know His word of the last days and we are filling our lamps with His peace and listening to Him as each day is coming together. I was talking to my daughter and she said, I'm not fearful, I know the Lord has us in His hands, YES, He does. When earthquakes keep shaking the world, wars keep happening and the prince of the world is trying to stop us to talk about Jesus, we say, we will do our Father's will, believing Him to the end and keep watching for Jesus hands to lift us up.

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@flyaway-com Very well written, I love it. Exciting times we live in. See you in the air soon.

Patricia N.
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Neil Lipken (7 Apr 2024) Five Doves
"Rapture Dream" [about the eclipse and positions of planets and the comet at that time]

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