Anybody feeling it....
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Anybody feeling it...

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Even though this Vaxx is not technically the mark of the beast just yet, I still wouldn’t want to freely get it ... I think its still harmful junk inside it. So I’m hoping the church is gone before they plan to roll it out.

What is alarming is the Fox article update where Trump says he is using his military to give the shots out ... are they going from door to door?  Is this why they were insisting we complete the 2020 Census?  This kind of reminds me of the Nazi’s going from door to door rounding up the Jews.  History repeating itself?  Will they mark our homes or give us something to wear to say we refused the vaxx?  Just rather be gone for the dress rehearsal B-)

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I agree, Wednesday’s are the top choice for Galilean weddings .... :yahoo: but hey, I’ll take a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday as well ... :wacko: B-)

Did you know that per Ken Johnson and the latest discoveries from the Essenes and the newer digs, we are approximately 1 week off on the correct calendar? Hey, who knew! Oh wait for it, didn’t God say in Ecclesiastes 3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out <u><b>what God has done from the beginning to the end</b></u>.”

What a great day to fly away :prayer-hands:

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he has put eternity into man’s heart

Yet man labor's diligently to build his empire here. Seems like such a waste when it will all be gone. It will all go to someone else who did not earn it or to the ravages of decay. Truly, if we understood eternity, how much more we would strive to build there.

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Yep, its all going to burn up.  This would really rattle the unsaved if they knew this verse since they are trying to save the planet and would rather sell their soul just for a few more years of fame or wealth vs. accepting Jesus for eternal life and all that heaven hast to offer.

II Peter 3:10

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

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That's right! All these "things" we hold so dear will be burned up. And yet man puts so much undue affection in them. There's nothing wrong with things, its how much of a place they hold in our hearts that can get us unbalanced. God has blessed many with material goods, but they should always remain in their proper place.....the burn bucket! Lol :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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Okay, I'm getting a little silly now. :wacko:

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No, not silly ... “burn buckets” are metal incinerator barrels up here - we used to have one ... my dad would burn anything he could.  Went too far though with placing plastic stuff (like disposable razors) inside them.  Woa, the smoke fumes quickly became toxic. :wacko:

I can’t believe its 96 posts and nobody talked about food, not once ... so I think its time to continue the trend.  Sorry Arthur.   Well ...I’m down to just 3 fun size York peppermint patties ... I believe in miracles but I seriously doubt they will keep me awake for the 7 day watch of the “Jubilee Yom Kippur” theory ... B-)   Gotta go to the store for more chocolate ...

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And to think, we will be walking on and living in, what people value most here, up there is simple construction material :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

I can’t decide if I want a mostly purple Amethyst or sprinkled with diamonds (to tone it down) or just go with a multi jeweled room in the Fathers house! I love ruby red and blue sapphire as well, my birth stone is blazing yellow topaz. Decisions :mdrmdr:

You need to make a chocolate run. I made corn bread for dinner tonight with Almond butter on top.

Sorry picture did not come thru - it’s lovely though

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I say go with the purple and diamonds! :good:   My bedroom walls are purple. After 3 years, I’m still not tired of the color ... my brother says the color is LOUD  and surprised I haven’t changed the color yet. Hey, he is a guy so what does he know? B-)

Oh that corn bread sounds delicious ... we are experiencing colder weather up here and I could go for some warm comfort foods out of the hot oven right now.  As well chocolate. B-)

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Love it! Maybe throw a few blue sapphires in the walls here and there, got it! You should have been a designer..

hey, I couldn’t get the Cornbread picture to show? :scratch:


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