An apology to Patri...
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An apology to Patricia and all my brothers and sisters who post YouTube videos

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Patricia posted that there are so many videos about the rapture, just to Google and many would come up. 

I forgot my response, but I posted that I don't listen to these things because you don't know if what they are saying is really from God and questioned how much money they make off the videos. 

Patricia, I am sorry to have posted carelessly under your post trying to encourage people. 

years ago, there were several people on Youtube saying how close we are to the rapture. they set timeframes and here we are almost 10 years later. Posts like this are upsetting and cause confusion and discouragement to many. I am sure there is no shortage of people who quit watching and became so upset and discouraged because of constant prophecies, setting dates, talking about visions,...............

we know now that many of these people were wrong. 

thank you for all the people on youtube who teach us things and explain things to us and post visions that might be true. 

It's just hard to get over all the others who were wrong. I know they were sincere, but maybe if they prayed for confirmations, they might have ended up pulling out their videos and stories, because no confirmation might have come from God that it was from him. 

we need to encourage each other, but not rush into posting things without confirming if this is really from God. people are getting discouraged and maybe having a real hard time knowing what to believe. there are those who are barely hanging in there. we need to be mindful of them and not confuse or upset them by speaking things that might be from God. 

I am also sorry for any posts that I have made that might have been wrong or I was mislead. 

anyway, I apologize if I hurt anybody's feeling. 


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Nobody should be posting anything that basically says "Thus sayeth the Lord". This is one of the rules of the forum. I personally do not believe God is going to tell anyone when He is coming back for the Church, regardless of what others may think or say. God wrote the Bible, His living Word, in such a way that everyone can understand it. Therefore I do not believe in "special" knowledge given to the few. That, to me, is a sure fire sign that it is not from God. I believe He will give a Word for an individual in their life for their admonishment or edification but not to the greater Church as far as prophetic things are concerned. We have the Bible for that.

The whole idea of this forum is to discuss the things that are eschatological in nature, which includes rapture predictions. It is up to the participant to take these things with a grain of salt. NOBODY knows when the Rapture will be. These videos are simply conjecture based on a great deal of research (though many are not well researched). The idea is that you never hang your life on them. These videos and discussions are not supposed to be soothsayer telling us to pack it up. They are simply like-minded brothers and sisters who love and long for the return of Christ. That is exactly why this forum is here. It is to encourage each other in something that we all hold dear. 

It is always a good idea to by the Bus Rapture Theory, that is, I could be taken out of this world and into the next by a passing bus. We are not promised tomorrow and every Christian should live their lives as if we will be seeing Christ tomorrow. That does not mean we give up on living nor plan for the future. It is prudent to do so. But we do not know when God will require our soul.

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@yohanan  Thanks.  By the way, I can't use the bus theory.  There are no busses out here in North Podunk.  

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@terry So you get the Meteor Rapture Theory ROTFL

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@yohanan ROTFL

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@yohanan I would agree with you 100%. You have known me for a very long time, too many years to count and it is an awesome forum that we have here to voice our opinions and thoughts and dreams of a soon snatching away. We are blessed to be able to joke, laugh, cry, pray, and encourage each other. Yet, we can know the season as Christ said you look at the stars and the moon and you know when to plant and so forth, but as to the day, the hour, the moment, I do not believe our Heavenly Father will allow us this knowledge, again as Jesus said “only my Father in heaven knows the day …” in our humanist nature we would probably just sit back and wait for it…. 

Like you and many others here, I truly believe in my spirit that we are in the last moments of church history and that yes 2024 seems to be the final season. The “signs” are all around us, literally. I pray every waking thought Come Lord Jesus … at the same time I am conflicted for the lost that would be left .. so I leave it to the Father as his Will is best and as tired as all of us are of the growing evil and the very fact that we see that the world seems to have lost their ever living mind and common sense has left the planet, we march on every day, waiting, watching, praying, and looking for the blessed return (in the air) of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. 

I know I don’t post as much as I have in the past and that is because it is what it is now, I have peace. Even though the evil is all around us, sometimes it is just nice to have a place to go that we can reflect on the Lord and His goodness. Any one of us can post a multitude of articles that is streaming now, but fewer still bring encouragement as the Lord said in Hebrews, encourage one another and so much more as you see the day approaching. 

Thank you my friend for hanging in there with us all …. And keeping it straight! Calvin

Patricia N.
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Dear Heidi,

No problem.

Actually, I did not say to search for rapture videos.  I was quoting someone from Five Doves.
Yes, many dates have come and gone.  It is not just YouTube video people who put out dates to watch for, dates that are possibilities.  I don't mind that, and I take them all with a grain of salt.  They encourage me and I think, well, it could be...

I will try to be more careful for the sensitive souls among us.


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I should have mentioned that this post is not about anybody on Ritan. I have to keep in mind that many people from outside Ritan are reading our posts. Many of them could be people who post YouTube videos and I might have hurt their feelings. 

I don't know anyone on Ritan who posts YouTube videos. Maybe they do, I just don't know about it. 

also the people I mentioned who said things that turned out to be wrong are not people who are on Ritan. these are others who have YouTube channels. I remember who some of them are, but better not mention any names.

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@heidi Right. I don't know of any regular here who does YouTube videos. I think the thing to remember is that most are sincere in what they are doing, just not accurate. So many of the videos have a professional or near professional polish to them so it give the impression that they are experts. One thing I have learned throughout this long journey as a Watcher is that there is a never ending stream of data to consider. It is far more than anyone can digest. The latest video from Aaron at God a Minute is as compelling as anything I've seen and has a short shelf-life so we will know very soon. All of that to say, with so many very well researched and thought out theories, as you mentioned in an earlier post, we are still here. But keep in mind that we are all here to encourage each other and to pray for one another and to do just what we are doing.....watching and waiting. Don't get discouraged. I know life is difficult, and for some, very much so. But the Lord is good and He does answer prayer. He has His reasons for all that we go through. As the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.  I find that to be very encouraging. I hope you and others do too. Stay the course. You are a valued sister here.

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@yohanan Thank you very much for your kind words, Yohanan. I really appreciate it.
