Precision attacks continue! TR I just posted an update from Lisa (Watchwoman65) in the buckled up thread … She said according to RT news … many Iranian people saw a flash of light in the sky and then an explosion. :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn I read an article on RR. The author says that the Bible states that the war of Gog/Magog starts on Kiesliv 24 which is December 9 on our calendar. Is this true? Think of it as a hypothesis. We'll test the hypothesis by patiently waiting for next Saturday to come around. :unsure: :yes: :whistle: “So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” --Matt 24:33 Love that verse, Dogg One. With so many of us out of work. Wonder if it really matters. Will we be training for our millennial jobs soon? And now Iran says it was a test. Sure, And I notice no mention either way on the major news outlets. Israel taking care of business or God taking care of business for Israel? Such exciting times we live in and what privilege we have to be first hand observers of prophecy rolling out! :prayer-hands: tammie- thanks for reminder to be is truly amazing to get to see so much of what we believe based on our faith in God and His word actually lining up in our world right before our eyes...great to have that attitude to pull us away from terror or despair when the anger, sadness and fear creeps in...
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