This is for those who live in Canada (or the US and would like to come over) Teaching Around the World - Behold Israel (sorry, not clickable just go to Behold Israel's website) He is going to be in Quebec, Calgary and Vancouver. I attended his event a few years ago. They are so good! thank God he is coming again. I might drive all the way to Quebec. I had to buy a ticket when he came to Toronto. I don't see anything about buying tickets. At least he doesn't seem to be touring with Steve Berger anymore. Perhaps they finally parted ways? Perhaps … .No buying tickets for his May Conference is because …. According to Amir’s telegram … he thinks the rapture is at any moment … ?? Patricia posted this on April 10th: Amir Tsarfati: I guess it’s useless to even try to sleep. The feeling of the very soon rapture is overwhelming. The spiritual warfare is enormous. The fighting in the heavenly realm is soon to be over once the dragon is cast down to earth and we that are alive and remain will be called up! The great exchange! In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. ARE YOU READY??? - Fair Use -