Amazon says drones ...
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Amazon says drones will be making deliveries in ‘months’

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To further my tirade against electronics and technology in general, it seems to me that in my lifetime I have seen and experienced a huge dumming down of people's mental capacities.  Seemingly simple and automatic life choices and responsibilities are overwhelming many today!  Honestly I have had to ask myself with some people, who helps them get up in the morning and get dressed?  People boasting of degree after degree, yet lacking any common sense or ability to perform the most simple of life's tasks?!  People today are indecisive seem to be in a fog.

It's as if most of these 20th century devices were manufactured to make us all mental pygmies!

Bad enough that we are lost in a world of addictions, now we are producing technical addictions to further distract us from life's more important issues!

It has been reported that 70% of Americans are overweight.  This is not the greatest of dilemma's.  Greater still is how many simply cater to whatever disability they might have, and take a sick pride in them!  We have gotten so lazy IMHO!

Remember the promises of the computer?  It would streamline and eliminate paperwork was the promise.  Then internet came.  Now the computer is used 70% of the time for internet porn!

I'll forgo the vacant heads and the dopesick nation of today for a more gentler time in our history.  We weren't perfect, but we were more ready accept personal responsibility!


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Yep, what I can’t stand is seeing people walking around holding their iPhone.  I often wonder if some have literally velcro it to their left hand.  This one local grocery store started doing electronic coupons but you need the iPhone to get those extra discounts.  They caused almost everyone in the store, including the old folks, to walk around holding their phones like zombies.  There seems to be more “accidents” lately in the aisles with people dropping glass jars of pickles, olives, salad dressing, tomato sauce, etc. because they are using only 1 hand to reach the items.   You can sense the  iPhone will probably play a big role in can’t buy or sell without the mark.  I refuse to cave in ... so when the cashier asks if I have any electronic coupons, I say nope, I still carry a dumb phone.

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