I have been doing some brainstorming about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and how it might relate to the Bible. The Bible states that an image of the Beast (Antichrist) will be made, and all who will not worship it would be killed. This seemed far-fetched until recently. Revelation 13 [15] And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Remember, this Scripture was written approximately 1900 years ago (95 AD), so this would have seemed preposterous at the time. But now with the exponential increase in modern advancement over the past 120 years or so, it's no so far-fetched. The technology is here now, in our very generation. So, will AI (Artificial Intelligence) be the mechanism to bring about this image of the Beast (Antichrist) to be worshiped? These artificial humans are very life-like, and I can see this younger generation of people being absolutely enthralled and enamored with these created beings. Remember, this younger generation believes that you can identify with whatever reality suits you, e.g., transgenderism, transhumanism, etc... I could even see these younger people nowadays wanting to marry these artificial beings to accommodate their own selfish desires. "My consciousness is merely a reflection of human consciousness". Yeah, and THAT is where it gets scary!