Agenda 2030: The Co...
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Agenda 2030: The Covenant With Many?

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Agenda 2030: The Covenant With Many?

The United Nations, in concord with key world leaders, is calling for "7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action" per an article released on June 13th. If you can imagine, this has caught the attention of students of Bible prophecy. Integral to the biblical end-times scenario is a seven-year period of global judgment and devastation called the Tribulation or Daniel's 70th Week. This seven-year period is demarcated by a certain agreement ("covenant") that is strengthened for a duration of seven years. The seven-year period is bisected by the "Abomination of Desolation," a blasphemous event in which the Antichrist declares himself to be God in Jerusalem. This event is followed by three and a half years of Great Tribulation, which Jesus says will be the worst time in human history (Mt. 24:21). This period of catastrophic judgment will conclude with Jesus' physical return to earth (Rev. 19).

The basis for the seven-year Tribulation is found in the first half of Daniel 9:27:

And he [the Antichrist described in v. 26] has strengthened a covenant with many [for] one period of seven . . . (LSV)
Given that the prophet Daniel describes the Abomination as occurring in the middle of the Tribulation period (Dan. 9:27b; 11:31; 12:11), and Jesus directly affirms the connection of the Abomination to the subsequent Great Tribulation (Mt. 24:15, 21), the seven years can be deduced from not only Jesus' teaching, but also the Book of Revelation (Rev. 11:2–3; 12:6, 13–17). In other words, Daniel 9 explicitly affirms the looming seven years, and Jesus affirms it through deduction in both the Olivet Discourse and the Book of Revelation. Furthermore, numerous biblical patterns point to the seven-year length of the Tribulation. You can be sure these future seven years are coming, and they're coming soon.

Dissecting the excerpt from Daniel 9:27 above, we notice five key details:

1. "He": The antecedent of the pronoun "he" is none other than the "prince who is to come" whose people "destroy the city and the sanctuary" in verse 26. This is the Antichrist.

2. "Strengthened": The Antichrist doesn't necessarily create or establish a new agreement; rather, he strengthens an existing agreement. The grammar here is clear.

3. "Covenant": A covenant is an agreement, usually enacted with the shedding of blood (although not always).

4. "Many": The agreement that the Antichrist strengthens is "with many." This "many" is not explicitly defined in the text, although "many" has the sense of many people, nations, etc.

5. "Seven": The agreement is strengthened for a period of seven years.

Now other seven-year agreements have surfaced from time to time, including the European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument (ENPI) which involved Israel and initially ran from January 2007 to December 2013 (and was subsequently renewed). More recently, Pope Francis launched a seven-year plan in 2021 called Laudato si'. Yet these plans, both of which have been proposed by some as fulfilling Daniel 9:27, suffered from inadequacies in one form or another. The former was not for a single seven-year period, but has been renewed on an ongoing basis. The latter has various seven-year periods overlapping, based on when individual ecclesiastical communities initiated their Laudato si' programs. In both instances, the plans were not strengthening existing agreements, nor were they particularly notable.

Now Agenda 2030 enters the ring. It was initially signed during the 70th session of the United Nations on September 25, 2015, just three days before the "Super Blood Moon" which was the last of the blood moons in the 2014–15 tetrad; it occurred on the first day of Sukkot (Tabernacles). You can view and/or download the original agreement by clicking this link here. Below is the Preamble.



First, notice that this agreement is not just from a particular region (like the ENPI) or sect (Laudato si'). It was enacted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, representing all the countries of the world. It isn't nuanced or particular—it's a dramatic plan of action for the entire world, touching virtually every aspect of human life. The goal is essentially a utopian future—"heaven on earth," if you will—where extreme poverty is completely eradicated, health care is available to all, gender equality is fully achieved, the environment is protected, economies are made "sustainable," and every man, woman, and child on the face of the earth is ID'd (see pg. 25). These, in addition to dozens of other dramatic, utopian goals are listed on pages 14–27 of the plan.

Second, notice in the Preamble, under paragraph #2, how this agreement is a promise ("will implement") of "all countries and all stakeholders." A promise is more than a plan. It is a binding contract—a covenant. This is the very definition of "a covenant with many."

Third, this covenant contains the most dramatic verbiage possible: "Transforming our world," "strengthen universal peace," "eradicating poverty in all its forms," "greatest global challenge," "free the human race," "heal and secure our planet," "determined to take the bold and transformative steps . . . to shift the world," "this collective journey," "no one will be left behind," and "critical importance for humanity and the planet." It is billed as a sort of globalist Gettysburg Address or Magna Carta. It is easy to see this as a Babylonian "Final Solution" ushering in the new age and a new world order. Indeed, globalist leaders the world over are diligently working to accomplish the goals outlined in this binding covenant.

And now, with scarcely a mention among mainstream sources, the United Nations and key stakeholders are planning to accelerate and strengthen this covenant with many for a period of seven years starting this fall at the SDG Summit 2023 so that the goals, which are now falling behind, can be achieved by 2030. The summit will be held from September 18–19, shortly after Rosh Hashanah (September 15–17).

As outlined in great detail last fall, a seven-year Shmita cycle either began then or is about to begin this September. In other words, there is a biblically-mandated seven-year period running from 2022 to 2029 or 2023 to 2030. With 2022 behind us, 2023 suddenly looks much more likely. 2023 is also one of the four likeliest years for the rapture and onset of Daniel's 70th Week.

If Agenda 2030 is the underlying covenant that gets strengthened for seven years, it is interesting to note some of the prophecy and Bible-related words contained within the word "Agenda":



And then two tribes of Israel:



These two tribes are listed together in Genesis 49:16–19 and Deuteronomy 33:20–22. Dan is of course the unmentioned tribe in Revelation 7.

Dan is also the abbreviation for Daniel, from which we get the seven-year covenant. This is all predicated on the final generation. The abbreviation for generation is "gen," which is also contained in "agenda."


Age = the age is complete

Gen = the final generation is over

Dan = Daniel's prophecy is here

End = the end has come

Could this "seven years of accelerated, transformative action" in fact be the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27? If you have eyes to see, then keep those eyes wide open.
