Nightly news is so depressing! Though we wait with bated breath to be released from this realm, it is with a weighted heart that I view this nation and people seeing them self destruct. Behaviors, lifestyles, choices, faulty logic and decision making skills et all, spiraling down into the abyss of hell! Truly the Lord's judgments will be righteous, and Satan's rage will be incomprehensible. Again we glory in our soon departure, but the gloom and doom that await those left behind will truly be horrendous! TR The news was so depressing back in March 2016 when I cut the tv service. I can’t imagine how worse it has gotten since then ... Thankfully this world is not our home ... just passing quickly through ... 8 days left for August ... then we will be moving into some high watch dates to look forward to! :popcorn Starting with 9-11! Indeed the sooner the better, but we may yet be here for a little while longer. Last time I had lunch with Lord, He didn't see fit to ask for my advice or share any secrets with me! I hate when He does that. 🙁 I mistakenly believe that the higher our fever pitch of anticipation becomes, it speaks of increased certainty of the Rapture. This has been proven wrong many times throughout the years. Truly, world events and political climates do seem to greatly affect our anticipation meter as well. Though my heart is weighted with sadness, I still look forward to when only joy, peace and love will enter my heart! And meeting the saints is something I look forward to as well! TR TR I would agree, it is truly heartbreaking to see the depth of fallen man and man without the blessed hope. My favorite channel has become the weather channel or YouTube videos from Amir, Jan, etc... I recently discovered Dry bar comedy, mostly Christian comedians. It helps keep me not take myself so seriously. “A merry heart is good like a medicine” :prayer-hands: For sure Tammie. Seems like we are truly running out of entertainment options! I guess now is not the time for it! If we are to have a divided heart, I guess looking for our redemption and bemoaning the souls that won't join us there is truly a natural and healthy division! I do appreciate all of the great and noteworthy finds speaking to our soon departure which are supplied here at RITAN! May He be gloried as we continue to occupy! Love and blessings to one and all! TR If the nightly news bugs you, don't watch it Mr Reed. I don't. I cancelled my cable in 2006 anyway. Sometimes it seems a shame now with flat screens being so cheap. They're selling them at the grocery and hardware stores where i live. I never go into an electronics store. I've got a couple cathode ray tube sets sitting around here collecting dust. Nobody would want them anymore, they're garbage. I hear some of the news on the AM radio station on my way to work. They talk about the LGBT curriculum that the courts will teach the elementary school kids. The composite beast HAS opened it's mouth to blaspheme God and His dwelling place and those who live in heaven. I believe we are much farther along in Revelation's narrative than people are noticing. I used to live by a city they called "the good" because there wasn't much crime. Now there's so many pedestrian deaths, horrendous car accidents and shootings that the news can't list them all. They have a shooting downtown and then one an hour latter 20 miles away in broad daylight. They had a car crash rollover explosion where they couldn't tell whether the woman was killed in the crash, or if she burned to death. But they're worried about what to teach the children on how to behave while they're in the Days of Lot. But it doesn't depress me. Depression isn't the right word. This all was baked in the cake. It scares me. I'm afraid of it. I can't relax. The news confirms to me that it's just like how Jesus said it would be. We are in the days of Noah again. We are in the days of Lot again. People are planting and sowing and eating and drinking and buying and selling and marrying and having kids, but the flood is about to come and sweep them all away. They will not escape. And i think it could begin at any minute now. Everything seems cheap where i live. Amazon deals. Flats screen TV's, food, tools and car parts. Check out the Wiki article on the great famine in the middle ages. I noticed it when i was looking at the world population page at Wiki: "It took over They don't mention the Great Famine of the 1300's on the nightly news. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. From 1275, and through the 1300's, the well off people in England were lucky to live to 35 years of age. "For most people there was often not enough to eat, and life was a relatively short and brutal struggle to survive to old age. According to official records about the English royal family, an example of the best off in society, for whom records were kept, the average life expectancy in 1276 was 35.28 years. Between 1301 and 1325, during the Great Famine it was 29.84 years while between 1348 and 1375 during the Plague, it was only 17.33 years. "The Great Famine started with bad weather in spring 1315. Crop failures lasted through 1316 until the summer harvest in 1317, and Europe did not fully recover until 1322. The period was marked by extreme levels of crime, disease, mass death, and even cannibalism and infanticide. The crisis had consequences for the Church, state, European society, and for future calamities to follow in the 14th century. And i know this is extra biblical, but check out this snip from 2 Esdras. 5 "Behold," says the Lord, "I bring evils upon the world, the sword and famine and death and destruction. 6 For iniquity has spread throughout every land, and their harmful deeds have reached their limit. 21 Behold, provision will be so cheap upon earth that men will imagine that peace is assured for them, and then the calamities shall spring up on the earth -- the sword, famine, and great confusion.;+2-esdras+16 Peaceful Sabbath. Well stated. All we can do is to continue to love what God loves and hate what God hates. For in doing so we reveal God's heart in us! God has a heart and feelings as well, in this way we are made in His likeness. If for nothing else for the sake of perspective, we also can experience in part what the Lord also feels. But He is bigger than we. We are often overwhelmed. Jesus was also known as a man of sorrows! Becoming like us, He could also relate with us. Tis certain however, that when we leave this world we shall only know peace, love and joy evermore! TR We cut the cable cord a long time ago and I mostly do not miss it. The only time is when there is major breaking news and we cannot watch until it is uploaded onto youtube or some other platform. But I can honestly say that I do not miss television or those sitcoms. It is amazing when you are away from it for a long time and are then exposed to it again - there is a shock in the difference - never for the better, I might add... I spend what very little free time I have either reading, reading prophecy news, or watching my favorite preachers/teachers on youtube. I encourage everyone to "cut the cord!" Good for you! TR200,000 years (just under 6000 years) of human history for the world's population to reach 1 billion; and only 200 years more to reach 7 billion.
"The world population has experienced continuous growth following the Great Famine of 1315–1317 and the end of the Black Death in 1350, when it was near 370 million.
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