I've noticed something over the past few years, that would make total sense if its an end times sign. Everyone talks about mass animal deaths and weather phenomenon, but has anybody else notice how it seems that trees are dying? I live in Tampa Fl. so I'm surrounded by lush greenery especially oaks and palms. But over the past few years I've noticed how scraggly the oaks look and yellow or dead the palms are getting (among other plants as well). This year though.... Anyone else noticing this? I haven’t noticed the dead trees here in VT ... but what I have seen for the past 4 weeks that is very odd is some of the tree leaves have suddenly turned brown and are on the ground. The leaves normally turn a pretty yellow or red color and drop late Sept/early October. Well because they just took out the entire forest across from my home to build yet another set of houses, I have very immature trees in my neighborhood, so no on the leaves, but I have a lemon tree that for some reason is not producing this year for the first time ever and my crab apple as well. I had thought this was odd but just brushed it off. The heat has been unseasonably hot and humid with pop up storms almost daily. Typically doesn’t happen until August here in coastal Virginia. Very interesting indeed. :prayer-hands: :flyup: Truly all of creation will show signs of deterioration. I also expect the animal kingdom to rebel in a big way as well, turning against man. Things that we have all taken for granted or always expected to operate as always, will also be affected! TR
I see dead trees everywhere and even more than usual dying trees.
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July 4, 2019 7:53 am
3 Replies
July 4, 2019 10:40 am
July 4, 2019 12:15 pm
July 4, 2019 3:22 pm