A FEW ICICLES ON THE GLACIER We live in castigation, For not remaining in the cold, The glacier feels we should be banished, For the doctrine we uphold. Our principles are so very different, From what the unbelievers' tend to be, The other icicles just never quite grasp, The Miracle at Calvary. They mock our disciplined efforts, Of floating against the tide, And our steadfast preparations, To be Raptured as the Bride. But recently the attacks have increased, In an effort to dampen our Blessed Hope, Unbelievers vigorously seek to diminish, A God far beyond their mortal scope! Oh, why does the wind persist, In raging against God’s prophecy, Doesn’t the tempest seem to realize, That the Truth can set the captives free? So off from the glacier we push adrift, With peace and tranquility in our heart, We know that the darkened storm clouds approaching, Are a signal that the tribulation is about to start. But steadfast is our Faith, Which sustained us icicles through each and every day, Jesus promised to be our Shepherd, Never to let any of His sheep go astray. Although we are weak Lord -- you are our Strength! Although we are like sand -- you are our Rock! Although we are sometimes lost -- you are The Way! Although unbelievers think time is on their side -- they will soon be in for quite a shock! Your flock beseeches you to please come now Lord! Your littlest lamb, Humbly Humbly, the word of grace is so awesomely seen in this rendering of God’s almighty Grace. I often see believers who do not see or understand the Grace that was given to us through Calvary’s finished work through the sacrifice of God’s own blood. Jesus was all man true, “for we do not have a high priest who has not been tempted in every point as we are, but without sin...” but he is also All God, “Emmanuel” —- It is often sorrowful to my soul to see fellow believers struggle upstream or to see believers fire darts to wound brothers and sisters. Jesus himself said “ in this world you will have tribulation, but take heart because I have overcome the world” We are not promised to not have problems and pain (life’s toils), but we are promised that we will not be on that floating iceberg alone! Thank you! :prayer-hands: Tammie: You so wisely quoted one of the most revered passages in God's Word that has provided me great warmth through many decades: “In this world you will have tribulation, but take heart because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Another portion of John's gospel that helps me understand why it is that whenever we get closer to Jesus the more hostility we encounter: "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." (John 15:18-19) Nuff said. Humbly Humbly, I agree — learning, memorizing, and meditating on God’s Word has been my desire, maybe late in life. I had hope that through a memory program I belong too, to reach 1000 verses before the rapture, but I will not reach that goal, but I am content and will continue to hide His Word in my heart that I might not sin against Him and it gives me great peace and pleasure to meditate continuously on His Word, this worlds trials are but a vanishing vapor in comparison to the glory that awaits us for eternity. Keep using your gift of words to glorify the King of King —- those who read after we are gone, may they see Christ, crucified and by Grace repent and be saved. :prayer-hands: Indeed, glorify God in word, as your spirit glorifies Him! TR Brethren in Christ: I must admit that I am very tired... Please come Jesus -- now, this minute, would be great!! I keep telling everybody (including myself) to hang in there, but it is extremely difficult. YBIC, Humbly My guess is your tired! I'm just discerning that way! It's a gift. Indeed the wait is long and hard! He does not tarry, meaning the day has already been chosen! From before the foundations of the world, we were chosen as His bride and our wedding day awaits! But take heart! God keeps His promises! TR Tired of waiting for the Rapture for over four decades now… One of the things we see from waiting over four decades is how compressed everything is today! If we had all of these signs around the time of "88 Reasons why the Rapture will happen in 1988" we would have been loooooooong gone by now! The time is nearly at hand. The wait is almost over. We really do live in unprecedented times! Everything has been coming at us in breakneck pace since Jan 1, 2020. The wait is almost over! As Jack Kelley used to say "You can almost hear the footsteps of the Messiah!" Great guess TR -- who told you? :mdrmdr: Yohanan -- I have been hearing the footsteps for too long and now yearn to see our Savior's feet! Keep on keepin' on my friends! Humbly
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