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I have been busy so haven't been able to post these as I have found them but thought I would put each of them in one thread because if you look at all of them together it starts to make you go hhhmmm.... It may take me a bit so if you read this before I get all 4 posted - just hang on Smile :popcorn

Are we in the beginning phases of these prophesies? I have to remind myself that everything may not play out like it did in the Left Behind series. It all was so clear and fast - like it was spelled out in big letters. Sometimes reality looks a lot different - almost like a little seeps out here and there and you don't put it all together until it hind sight. Any way - I'm babbling... it just seems like things are getting pretty exciting :yahoo:


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Israel’s Elections Going According to Zachariah’s Prophecy Foreshadowing Messiah
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz September 15, 2019 , 2:49 pm

The family of the House of David by themselves, and their womenfolk by themselves; the family of the House of Natan by themselves, and their womenfolk by themselves; Zechariah 12:12 (The Israel Bible™)


Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Mystics and end-of-day experts are predicting that elections on Tuesday will be a replay, resulting inconclusively with no coalition being formed. End-of-days experts and mystics have been predicting this outcome for months while noting that the dissolution of the government is a necessary precondition for the resurrection of the Davidic Dynasty.

Unprecedented Second Elections

The saga began last May when Netanyahu’s narrow coalition fell after Minister of Defense Avigdor Liberman pulled his party, Yisrael Beteinu, left the government. Early elections were called for in April and Likud, headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, won a narrow victory. They were tasked with forming a coalition but after the allotted 28 days plus a two-week extension, Netanyahu was unable to form a government. This was the first time in Israeli history that this a party tasked with forming a coalition had failed to do so. New elections were set for September 17.

There are 120 seats in the Knesset. To gain a seat, a party needs to win at least 3.25 percent of the vote. Whoever wins at least 61 seats controls the government.

Frenetic polling in recent weeks indicates that neither Likud nor the opposing Blue and White party led by former Chief of Staff Benny Gantz has a significant advantage. With 31 parties running, polling has also indicated that it will not be easy for either party to form a coalition of the necessary 61 seats to give them a majority in the Knesset.

Mystic Rabbi Predicted 40 Years Ago: Elections But No Government

In June, Breaking Israel News reported on a prediction made by Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, a rabbi and Kabbalist from Baghdad noted for his utter devotion. Forty years ago, Rabbi Eliyahu Merav was a young man and looked to Rabbi Kaduri as his spiritual guide.

“It is very important to understand such things in context,” Rabbi Merav said. “Rabbi Kaduri spoke very little so it was very important to understand precisely what he intended. One day, he was taking questions and someone asked when the Moshiach (Messiah) would arrive and whether there were signs the would precede his arrival. The rabbi answered, ‘When there will be elections but there will not be a government’.”

Rabbi Merav noted that at the time, this statement was very confusing.

“It seemed contradictory,” Rabbi Merav said. “How could there be elections but no government? If there are elections, there will be a government. That is simply the way things work. No one understood him at the time but this is really how it is with prophecy; you don’t understand it until it happens.”

“The primary goal of every politician is to stay in power,” Rabbi Merav noted. “It goes against their nature to want to campaign a second time. What is happening now in Israeli politics is not only unprecedented, it is counter-intuitive.”

“As strange as things are, I realized that it was precisely the situation that Rabbi Kaduri described 40 years ago,” Rabbi Merav said. “There is a mitzvah (Torah commandment) incumbent upon every Jew to anticipate the arrival of the Messiah at every moment. I certainly strive to perform that mitzvah but we are not the kind of people who are always seeking signs for the end of days. There is a lot of work to do without that. Serving Hashem is not easy. If there are signs that the Messiah is imminent then these show us that even more than usual, it is time to focus on doing Hashem’s will.

Rabbi Merav’s anecdote about the holy man’s prediction will take on even more weight should the unprecedented failure to form a coalition government happen a second time.

Rabbi Berger: “Demeaning” Government Must Fall Before Davidic Dynasty Can Appear

Rabbi Yosef Berger, rabbi of the Tomb of King David on Mount Zion and a direct descendant of King David, noted that a failure to establish a new government was prophesied to precede the Messiah.

“The Davidic Dynasty will only be established after the ‘demeaning’ government ends,” Rabbi Berger said to Breaking Israel News, citing the Talmud. “The Davidic Dynasty will not be established as a continuation of a bad government. If a government in Israel does not adhere to the Torah and act as the means to spread the light of Torah out to the nations, it must first fail, end entirely, and then a new ruler will arise who will establish the dynasty.”

“This is a punishment that suits the offense. Any ruler who demeans the Bible will, in the end, be demeaned. This was clearly what happened last week when Netanyahu was forced to leave the stage because Hamas fired rockets at him,” Rabbi Berger said. “The ruler embodies the entire nation and it is forbidden for him to allow himself, or the nation, to be dishonored. What would Trump do if an enemy fired rockets at him? Netanyahu ran from the stage and there was no real response.”

Rabbi Berger noted that this prophecy of the government falling was so clear to the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox ) that many decided not to vote in this week’s election.

Two Gates Must Fall

Rabbi Yekutiel Fish,  an expert in Jewish mysticism who blogs in Hebrew under the title ‘Sod Chashmal,’ told Breaking Israel News that the final redemption is very close indeed and that one clear sign that this is so will be when the second round of elections fail to result in the formation of a government. He based this on a section of the Talmud.

The disciples of Rabbi Yossi the son of Kisma questioned him, asking when the son of David (the Messiah) will appear. And he answered: I am afraid you will request from me a sign as well. And they assured him that they would not. He then said to them: When this gate will fall, be rebuilt and fall again, be rebuilt again and fall again. And before it will be rebuilt for the third time the Messiah will appear. Tractate Sanhedrin (78a).

Rabbi Fish explained that the term שער (gate) refers to government or leadership, as seen in a  verse in Deuteronomy.

You shall appoint magistrates and officials for your tribes (gates), in all the settlements that Hashem your God is giving you, and they shall govern the people with due justice. Deuteronomy 16:1

In a recent blog, Rabbi Fish cited a commentary that explains the words שער (gate) as an acronym for שִׁלְטוֹן עֵרֶב רב (rule by the mixed multitude). Rabbi Fish explained the ‘gate’ referred to the government of Israel.

Rabbi Fish also predicted that the second elections will be accompanied by war, a prediction that was also made by Netanyahu on Friday.

80 Years And Now God Steps In

Dov Bar Leib, an end-of-days blogger, noted that if, as most of the pundits predict, no new government emerges, the status quo will stay in place and Netanyahu will remain as prime minister.

“Many prophecies indicate that Netanyahu will be the last leader before the Moshiach arrives,” Bar Leib said, referring to the 12th chapter of the Book of Zechariah. “The one who ushers in Moshiach must be from the House of Natan.”

The family of the House of David by themselves, and their womenfolk by themselves; the family of the House of Natan by themselves, and their womenfolk by themselves; Zechariah 12:12

Bar Leib explained that the prime minister’s grandfather, Benzion Mileikowsky, changed his family name to Netanyahu after making aliyah from Poland.

The next first indicates that the leader who ushers in Messiah must be a Levite.

The family of the House of Levi by themselves, and their women-folk by themselves; the family of the Shim’ites by themselves, and their womenfolk by themselves;Zechariah 12:13

“No one knew that Netanyahu was a Levite until 2011 when a Likud conference was held in Tzfat (Safed),” Bar Leib explained. “At the afternoon prayers, they asked if there was a Levite for the appropriate portion of the Torah reading and Netanyahu announced that he was a Levite. It is now common knowledge however it is significant that he first made this known in Tzfat, which means ‘to look out over.’ It was so named since it overlooks the upper Galilee which is prophesied to be the first pace the Messiah will be revealed.”

Bar Leib noted that the third characteristic related to “the House of Shimi”.

“Shimi ben Geira came from the tribe of Benyamin, connecting him at least in name to Netanyahu,” Bar Leib said. “He and his descendants were charged with doing a tikkun (fixing) for King Saul’s failure to wipe out all of Amalek. This was partially rectified by Mordecai, a descendant of Shimi and both from the tribe of Benjamin, in Persia.”

“Netanyahu is acting as the House of Shimi by his opposition to Iran, the modern Persian and incarnation of Amalek,” Bar Leib said.

He noted that the elections will be held on a Biblically auspicious date: the 17th day of the Hebrew month of Elul.

“The 17th of Elul is the day on which Noah sent out the Dove the first time from Noach’s Ark,” Bar Leib told Breaking Israel News. “It returned that evening because it could find no rest for its foot.”

Bar Leib noted another event that took place on the 17th of Elul exactly 80 years ago: Hitler’s invasion of Poland.

“Three million Polish Jews would then be murdered because they had no place to run to, no place to rest their feet,” Bar Leib said, citing Psalms.

The span of our life is seventy years, or, given the strength, eighty years; but the best of them are trouble and sorrow. They pass by speedily, and we are in darkness.Who can know Your furious anger? Your wrath matches the fear of You. Psalms 90:10-11

“God gave us 80 years to bring redemption through natural, even political means,” Bar Leib said. “Now, he is showing us that politics didn’t work and he will take over.”

Bar Leib suggested that two key people in the elections do not come from either of the major parties. One is President Reuven Rivlin who, as president, chooses which party will be tasked with forming the next government.

“President Rivlin is descended from Rabbi Hillel Rivlin of Shklov, a disciple of the Vilna Gaon in the 18th century, who wrote Kol Hator” Bar Leib noted. Kol Hator is a book describing the Jewish tradition of Messianic era as a two-stage process beginning with Moshiach (Messiah) from the house of Joseph, a practical process that includes building up the land of Israel and the ingathering of the exiles. Moshiach from the house of David is a miraculous process culminating in the completion of the Third Temple and the resurrection of the dead. According to Rabbi Rivlin, the Moshiach for the House of Joseph began in the times of the Vilna Gaon.

According to Bar Leib, the second character in the elections is referred to in Psalms and marks the beginning of the Moshiah from the House of David. He explained that the Hallel (a verbatim recitation from Psalms 113–118 said on certain holidays) is a prelude to redemption. The first two chapters describe the Exodus from Egypt but the last four chapters describe the final redemption.

“Psalm 115 is the transition from Moshiach ben Yosef to Moshiach ben David,” Bar Leib explained, referencing the penultimate verse.

The dead cannot praise Hashem, nor any who go down into silence. Psalms 115:17

The word for ‘silence’ in this verse is דוּמָה (Duma).

“When Jewish boys were falsely accused of perpetrating a deadly arson in the Arab village of Duma, the Shin Bet (internal security forces) tortured them, refusing to allow them to even see their parents,” Bar Leib said. “Itamar Ben Gvir of the Otzma Yehudit party descended into the Gehenom (hell) of the prison to force the police to give them their rights. He is the gatekeeper of the depths and will play a key role in the transition from one Moshiach to the next.”




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Yemen’s Attack on Saudi Arabia Fulfills Isaiah’s Gog and Magog Prophecy
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz September 16, 2019 , 2:06 pm

I will say to the North, “Give back!” And to the South, “Do not withhold! Bring My sons from afar, And My daughters from the end of the earth Isaiah 43:6 (The Israel Bible™)

G & M War

Air Force jets bombing targets (courtesy: Shutterstock)

A catastrophic attack in Saudi Arabia by Iran-backed Yemenite Houthi rebels shook the world, destroying the facilities that produce five percent of the entire world’s oil. If the U.S. picks up the gauntlet thrown at their feet by the Iranians, the confrontation in Yemen predicted by Isaiah as preceding the pre-Messiah War of Gog and Magog may suddenly appear, as one rabbi said, “much sooner than anyone thinks.”

5% of Global Oil Production Destroyed

A total of 19 targets including two oil facilities were hit in Saudi Arabia on Saturday by several coordinated strikes, knocking out half of the country’s crude oil production, some five million barrels a day. Yemenite Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for the attacks against Saudi Aramco oil facilities in Abqaiq and Khurais.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman received a call from U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday in which Trump reiterated America’s readiness to help defend the kingdom, and noted the negative effects the attack would have on the U.S. and world economy, according to the Saudi Press Agency.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Iran of being behind the attacks, saying there was “no evidence” Yemen was behind what he called “an unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply.”

Secretary Pompeo




Tehran is behind nearly 100 attacks on Saudi Arabia while Rouhani and Zarif pretend to engage in diplomacy. Amid all the calls for de-escalation, Iran has now launched an unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply. There is no evidence the attacks came from Yemen.


2:59 PM - Sep 14, 2019

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CNN reported that a senior State Department official showed them satellite imagery showing the strike came from the northwest, originating in either Iraq or Iran.

“It is very difficult to see how these things could have come from anywhere but Iran or Iraq,” the senior administration official said.

The strikes were initially described as drone attacks but Debka Files, an Israeli military intelligence website, cited U.S. intelligence experts who credited the attack to cruise missiles launched a pro-Iranian Iraqi Shiite militia base.

The attack disrupted fully five percent of global oil production.

US and Iran: Tensions Rising, Threats Exchanged

President Trump made it clear that he was taking the attack very seriously.

Donald J. Trump




Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!


5:50 PM - Sep 15, 2019

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It should be noted that the President used similar language in June after Iran shot down a U.S. surveillance drone. The president ordered U.S. miltary assets to strike Iran but aborted the strike at the last minute.

Oil prices soared in the wake of the attack to six-month highs on Monday, with gains of as much as 20 percent. Brent crude oil, the international benchmark, gained almost $12 a barrel reaching up to $71.95 a barrel, before dropping back to $68 a barrel.

Yemen is First Battleground in Gog and Magog

Rabbi Yekutiel Fish,  an expert in Jewish mysticism who blogs in Hebrew under the title ‘Sod Chashmal,’ noted that events were unfolding precisely according to the verse in Isaiah concerning the War of Gog and Magog.

I will say to the North, “Give back!” And to the South, “Do not withhold! Bring My sons from afar, And My daughters from the end of the earth Isaiah 43:6

The word translated as ‘back’ is תֵימָן, which can also be translated as Yemen.

“The war between Iran and America, which is the sons and daughters from far away, will begin in Yemen,” Rabbi Fish said. “This will be the first stage in the multi-national War of Gog and Magog.”

The rabbi also noted that Persia appears very frequently in Jewish eschatology in a manner that includes the U.S. which is representative of Edom, the nation of “red men”, allying with Arabia. Rabbi Fish cites the Yalkut Shimoni, a compilation of rabbinic commentary on the Bible believed to have been composed in the 13th century, Persia’s role in the end-of-days is outlined in detail.

“Rabbi Yitzchok said: The year in which Melech Hamashiach (Messiah king) will be revealed, all the nations of the world will be provoking each other…The king of Persia  will provoke the King of Arabia. The King of Arabia, will go to Edom to take counsel and the King of Persia will threaten to destroy the entire world. The nations of the world will be outraged and panic. They will fall on their faces and will experience pains like birth pangs. Israel too, will be outraged and in a state of panic ask, “Where do we go?” (Yalkut Shimoni, Isaiah, 60:499)

“But the war will not begin until after the Israeli elections,” Rabbi Fish said. “The issues concerning the rule in Israel need to be completed before the war. But the war will certainly appear, and much sooner than anyone thinks.”

Bible Codes: Iran War Against US Leads to Repentance Three Times Elijah

Other experts also see a conflict between Iran and the U.S. as fulfilling Biblical prophecy. Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, an expert in Bible codes, looked for Biblical hints at the growing tensions between the U.S. and Iran and found them in the 29th chapter of Exodus. In a video, he explained that he found the Hebrew מתחל מלחמה (beginning of a war) interspersed with the word איסלם(Islam).

“The truth has to be told that Islam is what is behind Iran pushing it forward,” Rabbi Glazerson said.

The rabbi warned that the words ‘war’ and Iran were parallel to the word אורניום (uranium), noting that it is quite possible that Iran has nuclear weapons. Surprisingly (or perhaps not) connected to the word uranium were the letters אובמה (Obama).

“He was a troublemaker and a good friend of the Muslims and allowed Iran to have a nuclear program,” Rabbi Glazerson said.

Rabbi Glazerson noted that it was most significant that the letters ארהב (the abbreviation in Hebrew for the United States) were connected to the word ישראל(Israel), indicating they would be allies in the war.

The word Israel was in close proximity to the word הַתרָאָה (warning).

“Redemption can only come after Israel is first warned to repent,” Rabbi Glazerson said. “That is the purpose behind this war and that is the only solution that will bring peace to the entire world.”

Rabbi Glazerson also found the word טראמפ (Trump) counterbalancing the appearance of Obama.

On a positive note, the rabbi found אליהו (Elijah) three times in this section of the Torah.

“These are troubling times but if we repent, this is precisely what will bring Moshiach (Messiah),” Rabbi Glazerson concluded. “Only then will there be peace and tranquility all over the world.”


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John Bolton is out. Trump’s next foreign policy moves are anyone’s guess
By Author1 -
September 14, 20190


Times of Israel: The notion that the Palestinian issue is inseparable from Middle East success has also meant little to Trump, again to Netanyahu’s delight. Trump has slashed almost all assistance to the Palestinians, moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Suddenly, however, Trump’s taste for smashing diplomatic convention might be breaking against Israel’s interests.

Trump was reportedly eager for an Afghanistan summit at Camp David because it would afford him the appearance of brokering a deal at the site most famous for being the scene of the 1979 Israel-Egypt deal.

And now ahead of the UN General Assembly launch at the end of the month, Trump is contemplating a meeting with his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani. The convention has been for anonymous officials on both sides to work out the parameters of a deal before such a meeting.

The US and Iranian sides, however, have barely spoken recently, and what would emerge beyond a photo op is not at all clear — but the photo op, for Trump, may be the point. Read Article


Opinion: I can’t shake the feeling that we are getting into very dangerous diplomatic territory.

Bolton, Iran’s fiercest opponent – out
Taliban at Camp David – almost in
Trump easing sanctions to meet with Rouhani at the UN – pending
Imagine the embarrassment if Rouhani stiffs this president like he did Obama in 2013. This time the press will be all over it.

And when it comes to engaging Iran, Trump says “we’ll see what happens”?

Top it off with accusations that Israel may have spied on the White House, and a critical Israeli election on Tuesday. Buckle up, everything may be about to change.




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Trump mulls $15B bailout plan for Iran if complies with nuclear deal
By Author1 -
September 14, 2019


Times of Israel: US President Donald Trump is actively considering a French plan to extend a $15 billion line of credit to Iran in return for the Islamic Republic’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, the Daily Beast reported Wednesday.

Four sources with knowledge of the US president’s conversations with French President Emmanuel Macron told the news outlet that Trump “has in recent weeks shown openness to entertaining” the proposal.

The $15 billion package would make up for about half of Iran’s annual oil sales, the report said, and ease some of the economic pressure on it. more

Opinion: What is it about US and EU presidents that make them believe they will be able to solve a 2400-year-old hatred that Persia, modern day Iran, has for Israel?

Excerpt, Blood Feud Chapter 6:

Haman the Agagite of Persia:

In 1 Samuel 15:1-3 Israel’s King Saul was instructed by the prophet Samuel to kill Amalek:

“The Lord sent me to anoint you king over His people, over Israel. Now therefore, heed the voice of the words of the Lord. Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt. Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.”

Because Saul let Agag, king of the Amalekites, live, the bloodline of Esau spread to Persia (modern day Iran) in 400 BC.

The Amalekites had their origin within the Edomites, being descendants of Esau. Their traditional territory was in the Negev desert in southern Israel.

As far back as their journey through the Sinai, Edom threatened the Israelites with “a mighty hand” and refused to allow them to pass through their territory en route to the Promised Land (Num. 20:20–21).

In 400 BC, one who rose to prominence in Persia (Iran) was Haman, from the book of Esther.

Haman was an Agagite, a descendant of Agag, king of Amalek. An Agagite is an Amalekite, and Amalek was a descendant of Esau.

He was a noble and vizier to King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) who tried to kill of the Jews of Persia. The evil bloodline that God had sworn to fight against in every generation (Ex. 17:16) was on the move.

The same hatred that Amalek displayed, the same self-loathing of Jewish blood, and the same satanic effort to eliminate every Jew on earth were evident in Haman.

And this is why every deal made with the descendants of Esau and Amalek, through Haman, will fail. There is only one solution for this bloodline and it is found in Jesus Christ (Obadiah 1:18, Isaiah 63:1-3).

See active our map of Esau’s migration by placing your cursor over Edom, Iran, Russia, Europe, and Turkey here




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So that's it. The last one really got me. He's doing no better than Obama if he does that. Why would he do that???  :scratch:

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Maybe because he isn’t any better.

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I strongly believe Trump is following the advice of Jared Kushner and Avi Berkowitz ... check out these pictures ... :popcorn

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Gotta wonder how qualified these young men are to tackle this type of foreign affair - even Kushner. Not that age is a prerequisite for wisdom but there is a lot of wisdom that comes with age.

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There you go! The affairs of men.

God has a perfect plan, these moves, strategies, plans devised from the pit, do not surprise the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Keeping it in perspective, it marches us ever closer to leaving this earth for our heavenly home. We should not be surprised either, man apart from God will follow the prince of the power of the air and devise only evil continually. Sometimes, wrapped in a cloak of “light”, but nonetheless evil to the core. But God .... :prayer-hands:

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