30 Something
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30 Something

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Brothers and Sister,

A few of us thought it would be fun to update out avatars with a picture of us when we were in our thirties. The idea is the we believe that when we get our regenerated bodies we will likely look like we did back then. Of course this is not doctrinal but just something we think might be. So in the spirit of that and since it looks like we will be taken out if here very soon we thought it might be fun and also know how to identify each other easier at the big Rita party we plan on having. So just for fun, and this is by no means a requirement, let’s put up a 30 something pic as our avatar. Kolleen, Dan, and I have already done so, though Kolleen looks much younger than 30. Again, don’t feel any pressure as this is just for fun. 😁

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This is such a fun and GREAT idea since we are so close to that finished line!  Can you believe we will all soon be talking in person and partying at the RITA banquet?!   I’m enjoying going back to memory lane and seeing the cool hair styles on everyone!  You all are rocking the hip hair styles! 😂

I got some funny ones I will have to dig up.  I lean we will be more like age 20 or 21 vs 33.   So if you have the early 20’s pictures … feel free and share those too!

Kolleen you look like a fashion model! :good:

Dan, Yohanan and Perhaps Today … wow look at all that hair and you’re all rocking the beard and/or mustaches! :mdrmdr:   LOVE It. :good:   I miss the 1960’s - 1980’s styles. They were classic.

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Awesome! Great pic Perhaps Today!!!

Geri9, your avatar pic looks young. I know it's not polite to ask a woman her age but mid 30's??

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Nope, this was taken 2 days ago 😉.   I will have to find my 1980’s - 1990’s pictures with the 5 inch poof bangs … that’s when I went thru many bottles of hair spray and gel and kept the local Harmons shop in business.  I just google the shop … they closed their doors. Cry   That place was waaaay better than Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens, etc.  Everything they sold was discounted including the holiday stuff and bags of candy for all seasons.  It reminded me of an Aldi’s the way they had the boxes piled high with the goods in the aisles.

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Yes my lovely Kolleen, on this our sixth anniversary I will not disclose your age, nor you're beautiful photograph's age. :negative: :stinkerbell: :heart: :rose: Smile :whistle:

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Nope, this was taken 2 days ago.

So you were 30 something two days ago? 😉


Yeah, Dan. Kolleen looks like a model! And you look like Burt Reynolds. :good:

Lee Giblin
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OK, I DID IT!!!!     It only took 8 tries, I'm not good with computers - give me a typewriter and some white out!  LOL

This is a 1987 family Christmas picture so I cropped out hubby and our  7 kids.

I don't look toooo much different today, other than wrinkles and sagging.   I started turning gray at 30 and hubby said he didn't want to be married to an old lady with gray hair, so I've been blonde. He is over 70 and has beautiful brown hair and we both grow pony tails and donate them to Locks of Love.

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Lovely picture, Lee.  Woe,  7 kids?!!   I hope you told your hubby often  the kiddies are the ones who gave you the premature grey hairs. 😉   So to resolve that issue you went legally blond! 😂  Amazing your hubby still has the brown hair … thats awesome you both donate to Locks of Love!

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I'm not comfortable with all this new fangled technology either.  I don't want to try to struggle to change my avatar, and I don't have a picture of us in our 30s anyway, but in the spirit of camaraderie I will give you all a peek of who we are, as of a "few" years ago.  As for ages now, let's just say Bob is the same age as Israel and I'm considerably younger.

Lee Giblin
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We were married for 6 years when I had some female surgery.  My Irish Catholic Dr said it did not look good for me to have children.  So we tried hard and prayed. Well my Dr was shocked.  I became sort of "famous" in the maternity ward, and when #7 was due, everyone showed up from the hospital - it was lunch time.  We didn't know the baby's sex, (but I sensed it was different then the boys.)   My 2 oldest sons came with Grammie and Dr daughter.  There were 28 in the delivery room with all the hallways filled. Well, it was a girl and we named her Maureen after my Dr daughter. I was a strict Mom.  All of them were scouts, with the 6 boys making Eagle, all had 3+ years of piano/organ, active in church and were on honor rolls at school.    Our local paper did a Mother's Day picture of us.   The best memory I have is when my friend who had 6 girls came over and all 13 kids were together.  The little ones were playing with toys but the older ones were talking about being part of a large family.192738_189006171140627_7142298_o

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