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2022 Weather Thread v.2

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That video is hilarious. A guy, water, and electricity. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? LOL “Hey y’all! Watch this!” ? I hope the watch he was wearing wasn’t battery powered.

The girl was too funny! ?

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True and my kids used to get so tickled as I am standing at the window, like a crazy person yelling at them, “take your foot off the brake, turn your wheels into the slide”

Now I just see them going all over the place on the road, even in good weather, typically they are texting or on the phone and just don’t drive very safe ….. If you want a real “oh my” moment — watch the YouTube videos on crazy driving and crashes — it is mostly in Europe but the crashes are impressive and some of the stupidest things occur …

— Fair-use —

Leaving Soon
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Everything is melting as I type this but starting tonight it looks like it could be a horrible next few days or so. So I am going to fill my gas tank after I post this, Go to the dollar store when it opens up then park my car in the garage for a week.


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Stay safe.  Don’t you just love the Dollar Store?  Don’t forget Dollar General too.  Certain things are still worth buying … Brand name fun size chocolate candy bars … :whistle:

I was cracking up after I bought the Brillo pads the other day … I didn’t look closely at the size on the box … all I saw was 8 pads … wow what a steal … but what I got … were tiny little ones … you need at least 2 to complete the job.    And never buy their batteries … even the Panasonic ones are not holding up for my fairy white lights.  I keep switching them out.  It pays to always get Duracell. :yes:


Your storm will be heading my way tomorrow night with snow and snow continuing most of Friday :wacko:   So I will be out today too getting some necessity items … like chocolate bars and cheeze doodles. :whistle:

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And lets compare notes :mail: … the Dollar Store locally last month had Valentines, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter things out on display including potting soil and flowering/vegetable seeds. :wacko:

Now that its Feb 2nd … Happy Ground Hog Day!  The Punxsutawney Phil predicts 6 more weeks of winter.  So I expect to see the 4th of July decorations thrown into the mix. B-)   They REALLY want the year to fly … at least we can agree with flying … the church REALLY wants to fly on out of here!

:flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

Leaving Soon
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Actually the only dollar store I go to is Dollar General. There's like 5 of them within a 3 mile radius of where I live lol The only other Dollar store I would go to was Dollar Tree but I think they all closed down by me. And I'm definitely loaded up on snacks, frozen and unfrozen ones along with some hot chocolate I got from the grocery store a few weeks ago. I haven't made any yet but this week would be a good week to try some. I got a couple boxes of the swiss miss kind and 3 different flavors that were in single packets. I forgot to get whipped cream or marshmallows though : (

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I just now got around to watching the video you posted, Donna. I have actually been to the pier in Redondo Beach before. It really is beautiful. If you live near there then I lived only an hour from you when I lived in Dana Point. I agree that it's the politics that are bad there, and oh, are they! but it is a beautiful state with so much to do and explore. I do miss it at times. The weather was near perfect most days living on the coast. I always thought it was so cool to go from beach to mountains (sometimes snow) in only two hours. Not many places you can do that!

Thanks for sharing the video. It brings back very fond memories!

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So Leaving Soon … how much snow and/or ice did you get?

Did the storm pass?

Here in my neck of the woods its been freezing rain most of the day … my back cement porch is a sheet of ice.  Dodger was slipping and sliding just now.   We are expecting … snow and ice accumulations of between  5 to 8 inches overnight 🙁

Leaving Soon
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Thanks for asking. It's hard to say for sure. I don't think we got much snow but it was cold, the snow was more like a freezing rain but it was very windy and causing snow drifts maybe 2 feet or higher outside my back door and down my driveway. And speaking of driveways you ever wonder why we park in driveways and drive in parkways? lol

Here's some pics I just took. It's still dark out.




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Ice is dangerous. Y'all stay safe :prayer-hands:

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